• zjosbest


    Hello Virtue team,

    I do not know how I can solve the next action to be successful. I would like on the Home Page and webshop a clickable list of Product folders. And as you click on one then an overview of the various products that are related to it, are showed. Example: PAINT product has several products such as watercolor-paint, oil paint, acrylic paint. In this side bar, there are two main groups: handmade products and Hobby products. Handmade products has 5 subgroups and a few single products. The same to Hobbyproducts. This maingroup is splited up in twelve-product groups and each of them have a number of products which have a relationship with the subgroup to which they belong. Below is an example.
    How can I solve this ? I would prefer to have these groups stand to the left of the website. And if possible, I don’t’n like any other data or fields in That sidebar.
    I hope I have described somewhat understandable? And hope for a hint or something that can bring me further
    Thank you,

    <strong>handgemaakte proeducten</strong>
    3D applicaties
    Thee serviesjes
    poppen en trollen
    -Papier en papier decoraties
    -Klei en boetseer
    Media Mix producten
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  • Kevin


    Hello! Would it be possible for you to send a link to the site that you’re working on so I can get a better understanding of what you’re asking?


    Thread Starter zjosbest


    Hello Kevin,

    Herewith a link to an example website. https://www.clubki.com/index.php/shawls-overzicht
    Look at the left sidebar (heading: gebreide producten means Knitted products). If you click on <shawls overzicht> then will open a page with products related to Shawls. Similar when you click on the second item (Mutsen , means CAP), the third etc.
    The same solution I want in mine wordpress website under construction. Because I dont know yet how to solve this sidebar problem , I did not add sufficient data in the future website. So my question is how can I solve that problem in Virtue theme?
    I want to buy today one of the themes (virtue or Pinnacle) in order to get more support. Virtue is an awesome template! But which one ?



    You can do that with either theme. All you need to do is create a new sidebar and place a “custom menu” widget within it. Then you can link to all of your product category pages through the creation of custom menu items.

    Pinnacle has this really nice feature for a store that allows you to create a category page that will cycle through categories without having to go through the steps of creating a custom sidebar menu linking to your product categories.

    Here is an example of how that looks.


    Hopefully this response is helpful for you. I could very well still be misunderstanding your questions.

    Thread Starter zjosbest


    Thank You Kevin,

    Sorry for my question ….. How can I create a sitebar ? By creating a page ? …. or by a widget ?

    Pinnacle has this really nice feature for a store that allows you to create a category page that will cycle through categories without having to go through the steps of creating a custom sidebar menu linking to your product categories.

    Do you mean, by your comment encapsulated in the quote, that virtue does not has this feature ? Do I understand you well, that Pinnacle has more features for creating a shop. And what about Pinnacle , f.i. , is this theme also suitable for a business template ?
    What are the advantages for Pinnacle comparing Virtue ? Upto now I only has tested with Virtue. I’m curious about your answer and I am glad you help me in making a better choice to purchase one of these.
    Thank you very much



    Creating the sidebar can be done via the Theme Options> Misc Settings> Create New Sidebar.

    You can create as many variations as you’d like, and call them onto any page across your site. Each sidebar can contain variations of widgets that differ from other sidebars.

    You choose the widgets you want to appear in the Sideabar via Appearance> Widgets in your menu.

    And actually, I believe that you can access the feature in each theme, through use of a short code.

    Either theme offers pretty much the same features and you can build any type of site you like with either theme. The difference is the way the features are visually implemented.

    Here is a write up that details the key differences between the two.


    Thread Starter zjosbest


    Thank You Kevin,
    For me, it is not entirely clear. I have created two new sitebars. (A kind of categories) 1.Handgemaakteprod and 2.Hobby products. And for the start I have created 2 pages as sub.cat. for . < hangemaakteprod > – namely <3D prod> and <serviesjes>.
    I would like to have these on the left as text not as images. The link of this categories should be linked to the product pages which pictures . Thats what was showed in the link I’ve used prior in this thread. Its pritty late now so I go to bed and will see tomorrow morning If there is any solution . My test url : https://www.bogersbest.nl/_testword
    Thank you

    Theme Author Ben Ritner – Kadence WP


    This is a link to your home page: https://www.bogersbest.nl/_testword/

    Thus you can assign a sidebar in the theme options > home layout tab. There you will see the first option has to do with a sidebar. You can turn it on there and decide which sidebar you would like to use.

    Is that what your asking?

    Kadence Themes

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