• I have a brand new install of WooCommerce and OpenTickets. Followed the instructions found here to create my event. When I get the email and click on the View all of your tickets on a single page ?, a page comes up with the message:

    An error has occurred while attempting to view the ticket
    None of the tickets for this order could be found.

    I believe the problem is related to having the ticket and the product tied together. When I look at the OpenTickets report, I still see all tickets as available for purchase, as if the order went through CC processing but never allocated the ticket to the purchaser.

    Anyone else have a problem similar to this?

    Here are the details of my environment:

    == Environment ==
      * Home URL: [neutral] https://****.org
      * Site URL: [neutral] https://****.org
      * WC Version: [neutral] 2.6.14
      * WP Version: [neutral] 4.7.3
      * WP Multisite Enabled: [neutral] No
      * Wev Server Info: [neutral] Apache ++ HTTP/1.1
      * PHP Version: [neutral] 7.0.15
      * MySQL Version: [neutral] 5.7.17
      * WP Acitve Plugins: [neutral] 7
      * WP Memory Limit: [good] You have more than the required minimum memory of 64MB. Your current total is 256M.
      * WP Debug Mode: [neutral] No
      * WP Language: [neutral] en_US
      * WP Max Upload Size: [neutral] No
      * WP Max Post Size: [neutral] 40M
      * PHP Max Execution Time: [neutral] 120
      * PHP Max Input Vars: [neutral] 1000
      * WP Uploads Writable: [good] Uploads directory IS writable
      * Default Timezone: [neutral] UTC
    == Software ==
      * Active Plugins: [neutral] 
       + [ON]: Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights (https://www.monsterinsights.com/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign=wpmipluginpro&utm_content=v600) by MonsterInsights (https://www.monsterinsights.com/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign=wpmipluginpro&utm_content=v600),
       + [ON]: Huge IT Photo Gallery (https://huge-it.com/wordpress-photo-gallery/) by Huge-IT (https://huge-it.com/wordpress-photo-gallery/),
       + [ON]: OpenTickets Community Edition (https://opentickets.com/) by Quadshot Software LLC (https://opentickets.com/),
       + [ON]: WooCommerce (https://woocommerce.com/) by WooThemes (https://woocommerce.com/),
       + [ON]: WooCommerce Stripe Gateway (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/) by WooCommerce (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/woocommerce-gateway-stripe/),
       + [ON]: WP-Mail-SMTP (https://www.callum-macdonald.com/code/wp-mail-smtp/) by Callum Macdonald (https://www.callum-macdonald.com/code/wp-mail-smtp/),
       + [ON]: WP Google Maps (https://www.wpgmaps.com) by WP Google Maps (https://www.wpgmaps.com)
      * Acitve Theme: [neutral] 
       + Clean Commerce (https://wenthemes.com/item/wordpress-themes/clean-commerce/) by WEN Themes (https://wenthemes.com/)
    == Data ==
      * Event Areas: [neutral] 
       + "Senior" [#226] (publish),
       + "Student" [#225] (publish),
       + "General Admission" [#224] (publish)
      * Ticket Products: [neutral] 
       + #226 "PCDCC - Spring Fundraiser (Senior 65+)" (35) [1 EA],
       + #225 "PCDCC - Spring Fundraiser (Student)" (35) [1 EA],
       + #224 "PCDCC - Spring Fundraiser" (40) [1 EA]
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  • I have the same problem. Did you find a fix?

    Thread Starter cpkruse


    Not yet. Will Update if I do figure out a fix.

    Plugin Author quadshot


    @writecharlie @cpkruse

    If you are getting this error, there is likely an event setting issue. For the individual event, check that in the event that you have saved a price, and that your ticket product is set to ‘ticket’.

    If that doesn’t solve, can you provide a login using username ‘opentickets’ with email communitysupport @ opentickets.com and we’ll take a look. Please reference your www.ads-software.com username and this ticket title in the email so we know what it references.

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