Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Thread Starter Luke Cavanagh


    ### WordPress Environment ###
    WordPress address (URL):
    Site address (URL):
    WC Version: 4.9.1
    REST API Version: ? 4.9.1
    WC Blocks Version: ? 4.0.0
    Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.1.6
    WC Admin Version: ? 1.8.3
    Log Directory Writable: ?
    WP Version: 5.6
    WP Multisite: –
    WP Memory Limit: 2 GB
    WP Debug Mode: –
    WP Cron: –
    Language: en_US
    External object cache: –
    ### Server Environment ###
    Server Info: Apache
    PHP Version: 7.3.25
    PHP Post Max Size: 2 GB
    PHP Time Limit: 300
    PHP Max Input Vars: 16384
    cURL Version: 7.29.0
    SUHOSIN Installed: –
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    Max Upload Size: 2 GB
    Default Timezone is UTC: ?
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    DOMDocument: ?
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    ### Database ###
    WC Database Version: 4.9.1
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    Total Database Size: 59.53MB
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    Database Index Size: 12.08MB
    wp_woocommerce_sessions: Data: 7.02MB + Index: 0.16MB + Engine InnoDB
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    ### Post Type Counts ###
    attachment: 2503
    ct_template: 7
    custom_css: 2
    mc4wp-form: 1
    nav_menu_item: 154
    oembed_cache: 12
    page: 25
    post: 6
    postman_sent_mail: 250
    product: 908
    revision: 567
    shop_coupon: 1
    shop_order: 54
    static_block: 6
    wc_conditional_fee: 1
    wpcf7_contact_form: 5
    ### Security ###
    Secure connection (HTTPS): ?
    Hide errors from visitors: ?
    ### Active Plugins (24) ###
    Redux: by + Dovy Paukstys – 4.1.24
    Add From Server: by Dion Hulse – 3.4.5
    Adminimize: by Frank Bültge – 1.11.7
    Cache Enabler: by KeyCDN – 1.6.2
    Contact Form 7: by Takayuki Miyoshi – 5.3.2
    Electro Extensions: by MadrasThemes – 2.3.3 – Installed version not tested with active version of WooCommerce 4.0
    Enable jQuery Migrate Helper: by The WordPress Team – 1.3.0
    Flexible Shipping UPS: by WP Desk – 1.11.0
    WPBakery Page Builder: by Michael M - – 6.0.3
    Mailchimp for WooCommerce: by Mailchimp – 2.5.0
    MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress: by ibericode – 4.8.3
    Post SMTP: by Yehuda Hassine – 2.0.19
    Slider Revolution: by ThemePunch –
    Search By SKU - for Woocommerce: by Unroll Digital – 0.7.1
    Shipper Pro: by WPMU DEV – 1.2.4
    Sucuri Security - Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening: by Sucuri Inc. – 1.8.25
    WooCommerce Product Attachment: by theDotstore – 1.7
    WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: by WooCommerce – 4.7.0
    WooCommerce Price Based on Country (Basic): by Oscar Gare – 2.0.14
    WooCommerce: by Automattic – 4.9.1 (update to version 4.9.2 is available)
    Yoast SEO: by Team Yoast – 15.6.2
    WP Force SSL: by WebFactory Ltd – 1.56
    WPMU DEV Dashboard: by WPMU DEV – 4.10.6
    YITH WooCommerce Wishlist: by YITH – 3.0.18
    ### Inactive Plugins (9) ###
    Automated FedEx Shipping: by HITShipo – 2.5.13
    CDN Enabler: by KeyCDN – 1.0.9
    Disable Comments: by WPDeveloper – 2.0.2
    Disable Real MIME Check: by Sergey Biryukov – 1.0
    FedEx WooCommerce Extension (BASIC): by PluginHive – 2.1.5 – Installed version not tested with active version of WooCommerce 4.0
    Flexible Shipping For FedEx: by WP Desk – 1.5.3
    Regenerate Thumbnails: by Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) – 3.1.4
    Thumbnail Cleaner: by Kolja Nolte – 1.4.2
    WooCommerce Price Based on Country Pro Add-on: by Oscar Gare – 2.8.7
    ### Dropin Plugins (2) ###
    advanced-cache.php: advanced-cache.php
    fatal-error-handler.php: fatal-error-handler.php
    ### Must Use Plugins (2) ###
    Disable Environment Indicator: by Nexcess – 1.0
    Nexcess Managed Apps: by Nexcess – 1.15.1
    ### Settings ###
    API Enabled: ?
    Force SSL: –
    Currency: CAD ($)
    Currency Position: left
    Thousand Separator: ,
    Decimal Separator: .
    Number of Decimals: 2
    Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    simple (simple)
    variable (variable)
    Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
    exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
    featured (featured)
    outofstock (outofstock)
    rated-1 (rated-1)
    rated-2 (rated-2)
    rated-3 (rated-3)
    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)
    Connected to ?
    ### WC Pages ###
    Shop base: #3853 - /shop/
    Cart: #3134 - /cart/
    Checkout: #3135 - /checkout/
    My account: #3854 - /my-account/
    Terms and conditions: #2183 - /terms-and-conditions/
    ### Theme ###
    Name: Electro Child
    Version: 2.3.3
    Author URL:
    Child Theme: ?
    Parent Theme Name: Electro
    Parent Theme Version: 2.7.1
    Parent Theme Author URL:
    WooCommerce Support: ?
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: electro/woocommerce/archive-product.php
    ### Geolocation debug info ###
    Default customer location: geolocation
    MaxMind GeoIP database: ?
    MaxMind GeoIP license: ?
    Real external IP:
    Geolocation Test: ?
    ### PBC Settings ###
    Version: 2.0.14
    Base location: CA:ON
    Base currency: CAD
    Price Based On: shipping
    Shipping: –
    Test mode: –
    Test country: –
    Load products price in background: –
    Prices entered with tax: –
    Calculate tax based on: shipping
    Display prices in the shop: excl
    ### Zone Pricing Canada ###
    zone_id: canada
    name: Canada
    countries: CA
    currency: CAD
    exchange_rate: 1
    auto_exchange_rate: yes
    disable_tax_adjustment: no
    exchange_rate_fee: 0
    currency_format: [symbol][price] CAD
    price_thousand_sep: ,
    price_decimal_sep: .
    price_num_decimals: 2
    ### Zone Pricing United States ###
    zone_id: united-states
    name: United States
    countries: US
    currency: USD
    exchange_rate: 0.785087
    auto_exchange_rate: yes
    disable_tax_adjustment: no
    exchange_rate_fee: 0
    currency_format: [symbol][price] USD
    price_thousand_sep: ,
    price_decimal_sep: .
    price_num_decimals: 2
    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Complete: 1,659
    Oldest: 2020-12-27 21:20:39 +0000
    Newest: 2021-01-27 20:00:08 +0000
    Pending: 2
    Oldest: 2021-01-27 21:00:08 +0000
    Newest: 2021-01-27 21:00:08 +0000
    Plugin Support Hitendra Chopda


    Hello there,

    Thanks for contacting us.

    I have reviewed your query that you are getting some issues while downloading the attachment files.

    This is your site specific issue due to theme conflict or other plugin conflict or might due to attachment permission issue.

    Can you please try the below mentioned step to check if there is any issue related to the permission or blocking by browser or not?

    Click here to review the link to follow the steps.

    Please also make sure that uploaded attachments have full permission to download.

    Best Regards,
    Hitendra & Dotstore team

    Hello, I am working on this issue as well. I have been able to replicate the website in a different environment, and the download functions properly without the need to disable the theme or plugins. You can see it in action at:

    I have tried going the route of disabling theme and plugins to troubleshoot, in the staging environment provided for the original website. It’s available at

    Is there still a possibility it could be a theme/plugin conflict? It works fine with everything active at the first URL I posted, but with only the bare minimum activated on the second URL, it doesn’t work.

    I’ve also tested this in Edge and Firefox with identical results.

    Thread Starter Luke Cavanagh


    Looks like the issue is related to.

    Correctly close all nested output buffers before writing the file.

    while (ob_get_level() > 0) { ob_end_clean(); }

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Luke Cavanagh. Reason: clarify wording

    To expand on the above, the exact issue we have been seeing is related to KeyCDN’s cache-enabler plugin combined with any other plugin/theme that opens an output buffer (ob_start). In this situation cache-enabler creates a nested output buffer (ob_get_level() >= 2), with the cache-enabler output buffer using a callback.

    While woo-product-attachments does call ob_flush while writing the file to the browser, this would only write to the browser if ob_get_level == 1. If there are two output buffers open the plugin may still work — but if one of the output buffers has a callback defined (eg, cache-enabler), then the ob_flush would only write to cache-enabler’s output buffer. At that point it’s up to the callback in the other plugin to determine if/how/when to write the file to the browser.

    I believe a decent solution to solve this would be to close all output buffers prior to writing the file. eg, add this line above the headers() calls in woo-product-attachment/public/class-woocommerce-product-attachment-public.php:

    while (ob_get_level() > 0) { ob_end_clean(); }

    At the very least this resolves the compatibility issues with cache-enabler.

    — alexis

    Plugin Support Hitendra Chopda


    Hello there,

    Thank you for providing the details about the issue which is coming with appropriate solutions.

    We will review and apply all above ways of solution and implement best which will work for us.

    Thank you,
    Hitendra & Dotstore Team

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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