Category Titles Disappeared?
After updating this plugin to 3.0.1/3.0.2, my category titles stopped displaying in the prod-cat-category-label div. Any ideas?
Hi garl,
Would you mind posting a link so we can take a look?
I was also wondering if the category descriptions can be displayed on the thumbnail or detail views? I have the pro version if that makes a difference.
I also noticed if I edit and save a product, it deletes everything after the first word of the title (Model “H” Hanger and “RIP” Plug Combination becomes Model for example).
Hi garl,
The category titles seems to be a general problem. We’re looking in to fixing it and releasing an update. If you need them ASAP, all of the previous versions of the plugin are available at:
It’s not possible at this time to display category descriptions on the front end, thanks for the feature suggestion.
For the titles, is that only the case when there are quotes in the title?
Hi garl,
I did do a modify that makes things appear on the thumbnail view.
If you are comfortable with a little bit of coding, open the Shortcodes.php and find the Build_Minimal_Product_Listing function. I made a change by moving the AddCustomFields($Product->Item_ID, “thumbs”); to a different location.
function Build_Minimal_Product_Listing($Product, $Catalogue_URL = "") { global $wpdb, $items_table_name; $Pretty_Links = get_option("UPCP_Pretty_Links"); if (is_array($Product)) {$Product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $items_table_name WHERE Item_ID='" . $Product['Item_ID'] . "'");} if ($Product->Item_ID == "") {return;} $uri_parts = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2); if ($Catalogue_URL == "") {$Base = $uri_parts[0];} else {$Base = $Catalogue_URL;} if ($Product->Item_Link != "") {$ItemLink = $Product->Item_Link;} elseif ($Pretty_Links == "Yes") {$ItemLink = $Base . "product/" . $Product->Item_Slug . "/?" . $uri_parts[1];} elseif (strpos($uri_parts[1], "page_id") !== false) {$ItemLink = $Base . "?" . substr($uri_parts[1], 0, strpos($uri_parts[1], "&")) . "&SingleProduct=" . $Product->Item_ID;} else {$ItemLink = $Base . "SingleProduct=" . $Product->Item_ID;} if ($Product->Item_Photo_URL != "") {$PhotoURL = $Product->Item_Photo_URL;} else {$PhotoURL = plugins_url('ultimate-product-catalogue/images/No-Photo-Available.jpg');} $ReturnString .= "<a class='upcp-minimal-link' href='" . $ItemLink . "'>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='upcp-minimal-img-div'>"; $ReturnString .= AddCustomFields($Product->Item_ID, "thumbs"); $ReturnString .= "<img class='upcp-minimal-img' src='" . $PhotoURL . "' alt='Product Image' />"; $ReturnString .= "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='upcp-minimal-title'>" . $Product->Item_Name . "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "<div class='upcp-minimal-price'>" . $Product->Item_Price . "</div>"; $ReturnString .= "</a>"; return $ReturnString; }
Next find the AddCustomFields($ProductID, $Layout). On the $CustomFieldString .= “<div class=’upcp-prod-desc-custom-fields’ style=’display:none;’>”; I added a css style to display:none.
function AddCustomFields($ProductID, $Layout) { global $wpdb; global $fields_table_name, $fields_meta_table_name; $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $Fields = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT Field_ID, Field_Name, Field_Type FROM $fields_table_name WHERE Field_Displays='" . $Layout . "' OR Field_Displays='both'"); if (is_array($Fields)) { $CustomFieldString .= "<div class='upcp-prod-desc-custom-fields' style='display:none;'>"; foreach ($Fields as $Field) { $Meta = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT Meta_Value FROM $fields_meta_table_name WHERE Field_ID='" . $Field->Field_ID . "' AND Item_ID='" . $ProductID . "'"); if ($Field->Field_Type == "file") { $CustomFieldString .= "<br />" . $Field->Field_Name . ": "; $CustomFieldString .= "<a href='" . $upload_dir['baseurl'] . "/upcp-product-file-uploads/" .$Meta->Meta_Value . "' download>" . $Meta->Meta_Value . "</a>"; } else {$CustomFieldString .= "<div>" . $Meta->Meta_Value . "</div>";} } $CustomFieldString .= "</div>"; } return $CustomFieldString; }
Then in my upcp-jquery-functions.js I added this line of code in the jQuery(document).ready function to fadeIn and FadeOut on hover. The only thing is that this might be a little buggy in mobile since it is a little more difficult to determine where the cursor is on mobile. I did this as a quick and dirty workaround to have more interactive thumbnail but I am also working on one that will work a little better.
jQuery('.upcp-catalogue-link ').hover( function(){jQuery(this).children('.upcp-prod-desc-custom-fields').fadeIn(400);}, function(){jQuery(this).children('.upcp-prod-desc-custom-fields').fadeOut(400);} ); jQuery('.upcp-minimal-img-div').hover( function(){jQuery(this).children('.upcp-prod-desc-custom-fields').fadeIn(400);}, function(){jQuery(this).children('.upcp-prod-desc-custom-fields').fadeOut(400);} )
Don’t know if this will work for you right now but I am working on a major project and I needed some of the same things.
I also forgot to mention that this will work on thumbnail view only since I didn’t modify the list or detail view versions but at least this gives you an idea of what to build around.
Thanks for the suggestion, jamkddr.
I noticed another issue (404 error) you guys may want to fix for future versions:
<link rel='stylesheet' id='upcp-sidebar-css' href='' type='text/css' media='all' /> <link rel='stylesheet' id='upcp-pagination-css' href='' type='text/css' media='all' />
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