• Hello,

    I’ve been looking for a long time for the type of plug-in which I will describe below. I already used several forums to try and find this plug-in, but I haven’t succeeded yet.

    The plug-in I’m looking for is a ‘product compatibility guide’ type of plug-in. This is the scenario:

    – The visitor browses to a web page containing a drop down menu with a list of random brands
    – The visitor selects a brand (for example ‘Microsoft’)
    – In the next drop down menu a list of products of the selected brand will appear (e.g. ‘Windows 7’, ‘Windows XP’ and ‘Office 2010’)
    – After the user chooses a product the user has to select one of the websites own products (e.g. ‘Our product 1’ or ‘Our product 2’)
    – Finally, when the user choose an ‘own product’ and a product he wishes to compare the compatibility of this product with (e.g. ‘Windows 7’), there will be displayed something like: [Our product 1] is (or is [not]) compatible with [Windows 7].

    All the ‘our products’ are listed in the WordPress database as custom post types (each product has its own product page). The products to which they have to be compared (brands as parents and products as childs) should be entered somewhere in the database by the admin.

    I’ve also tried writing such a plug-in myself, but despite my php experience, I haven’t succeeded so far.

    Maybe someone knows exactly this type of plug-in, or could help me on my way by suggesting plug-ins which I can use to develop something like this.

    Best regards,


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