Hi there @cat199567,
How can I display the “Number of Products” on my website regardless of whether they are in stock or out of stock. (Assuming each product has a quantity of 1)
I would like to have something along the lines of “Number of Products: XX”.
The amount of stock displayed on a site is controlled in a product’s Inventory settings (see https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/managing-products/#inventory-tab).
You’ll want to enable the “manage stock” checkbox and enter the “stock quantity. This will allow a generic “In Stock” message (with amount) to appear. See: https://d.pr/i/qhhdHG
If you’re wanting to change the “in stock” text to “Number of Products: XX”, that need to be done with a plugin. You’ll be able to find free plugins on https://www.ads-software.com/ by using the “custom stock status” search term.
I hope this helps!