• Dear Team,

    I wish my product gallery to be something like this: https://snipboard.io/KkCPSJ.jpg
    The Thumbnails should be aligned at the bottom.
    Once I click them, they should open up as a lightbox on top of the actual page (with arrows on either side of the lightbox image to navigate to the previous/next image).
    When any user presses the escape key (Esc) the lightbox image should disappear and the main page should show up.
    Needless to say, the actual image URL should not be shown

    But, in the current scenario (when your plugin is deactivated), when I click any thumbnail, then the image URL shows (https://snipboard.io/xbLljJ.jpg). The viewer has to press the back button to go back to the product page, which is definitely not desirable.

    And, when I activate your plugin and keep the default settings, the images just stacked one below the other, as you can see in the URL below (https://snipboard.io/9N2Xv5.jpg). I have zoomed out to show how it looks. And the images are repeated twice.

    Can you please help me resolve this issue?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Niloy


    Hi @indiatrotter

    when I activate your plugin and keep the default settings, the images just stacked one below the other, as you can see in the URL below (https://snipboard.io/9N2Xv5.jpg).

    Maybe your theme (or another plugin) is messing/conflicting with it?

    To troubleshoot, disable all plugins but WooCommerce and also switch temporarily to “Twenty Twenty-One” theme – does it work?

    If yes, you have a conflict with your current theme or one of the plugins.

    Hope this helps and if not fill up this form https://codeixer.com/s for support.

    – Thanks

    Hi Indiatrotter

    I recently had this, my site was loading jquery.min twice, i also updated to the latest version of jquery 1.6 from 1.3.3.

    Worth doing a view page source and searching for jquery.min and ensuring only loading once?

    – Thanks

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