• Hi. Is there an option in the cms where I can change the number of columns in which my products are displayed. At the moment I have set the number of products to be display per page to 6, but I want a 3 col x 2 row grid. My theme (mystile) is forcing 4 items per row, (see https://www.essententopals.com). How can I change this to 3?

    (note I changed the size of the wrap so it would only fit 3, but now it only puts one item on the next line, then starts a new line).

    The HTML output look like this.

    <ul class="products">
         <li class="product first">
         <li class="product ">
         <li class="product ">
         <li class="product last">
         <li class="product first">
         <li class="product ">

    I can’t edit the HTML directly as it is generated by a query, but I assume there is a way the get that last and first the position correcting.

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  • From looking at that, you would probably need to modify the php so that the classes are assigned to 3 posts not 4. And then probably modify the CSS code as well.

    You’ll likely need to contact WooThemes for specific help – as these forums only support themes from the repository here: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/themes/

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Ok. Unfortunately I can’t get help from woothemes as I am not a paying member. Thanks anyway.

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Ok, worked it out after going through nearly every page of code.

    I assume this would work for any woocommerce theme.

    In the file theme-woocommerce.php, go down to the section commented “PRODUCTS”and look for the code:

    // Change number or products per row to 4
    add_filter('loop_shop_columns', 'loop_columns');
    if (!function_exists('loop_columns')) {
    	function loop_columns() {
    		return 4;

    Change the number to whatever – in my case 3.

    Above this code, you can also change the number of rows per column.

    Note: you can update this in wp appearance/editor, but not sure if any changes might be overridden when updating, so might best to set up a child theme, if you haven’t already.

    The theme-woocommerce.php file is in the includes folder.

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Also note, this function doesn’t carry over to widgets such as feature products – it doesn’t insert any “last” class.

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Ok, regarding previous post, it does work, but you need to put in the number of columns manually.

    For example, the code (also in theme-woocommerce.php) for feature products is:

    function mystile_featured_products() {
    	global $woo_options;
    	if (class_exists('woocommerce') && $woo_options[ 'woo_homepage_featured_products' ] == "true" ) {
    		echo '<h1>'.__('Featured Products', 'woothemes').'</h1>';
    		$featuredproductsperpage = $woo_options['woo_homepage_featured_products_perpage'];
    		echo do_shortcode('[featured_products per_page="'.$featuredproductsperpage.'"]');
    	} // End query to see if products should be displayed

    Note the line echo do_shortcode. The shortcode, (as shown on the wootheme website: https://wcdocs.woothemes.com/user-guide/misc/shortcodes/), allows you to enter “columns” as such:

    [featured_products per_page="'.$featuredproductsperpage.'" columns="3"]');

    Columns need to be specified for the loop_columns funtion to work.

    Note, if you only wanted one row you could enter the ‘.$featuredproductsperpage.’ variable instead of the specific number.

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