Hi @wpallimport,
Thanks for reply. Adding custom code solves the problem. Now only the products with different stock levels are updated, products with the same stock are skipped.
Maybe I should ask in another place because this is a thread for a free version, but I have pre-sale questions regarding PRO plugin:
1. I have checked plugin documentation and find an PRO option: “Skip WooCommerce products if their data in this import file has not changed”. Can you confirm that marking this checkbox will have similar functionality as with the provided code snippet?
2. I will need following functionality: Let’s assume that I am importing products to Woocommerce from an xml file provided by an external supplier. This product file contains photos, descriptions, prices, stock etc. and is updated every 30 minutes. Additionally the supplier provides, a small xls file with two columns: sku and stock level . It is also updated every 30 minutes.
If I understand the documentation correctly, I should import a large xml product file once at the beginning, then I will need to set a schedule for importing a small file with stock status, for example every 45 minutes. I want products with identical stock levels to be skipped during import. Additionally, I would like the products with SKUs that are not included in the small product file to be changed to out of stock. I saw there is an option for this.
Assuming that the stock level import was successful, will only products with different stock levels be updated or all products will be updated? I’m asking because I tested a competitive dropshipping plugin and it works in such a way that despite selecting the option to skip unchanged products and option to change the stock to 0 for missing SKU’s, all imported products are modified.