• Resolved LanceH


    I am new to wordpress and i know this question has been asked before so i apologize.

    I am using a template from Elegant Themes and the product page of the catalog aligns to the far left of the page and i cant figure out how to sort it out. The menu on the categories page appears on top of the images of which i managed to sort out by increasing the width of the template

    I know in your FAQs it says

    You can fix this on the Settings Screen by manually adding your Inner Template Header and Inner Template Footer.

    but i am still pretty lost on what to do or where to get the code from in my template files.

    Please may you assist me with a more in depth solution or guide on how i can achieve this as this is a great plugin and i would really like to use it. Unfortunately i cant provide any links as its still on localhost Thanks


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  • Plugin Author Maeve Lander


    Hi Lance, the problem is the code that would go in those fields is unique to each site. If you can provide a link to your site I can take a quick look and tell you what to pop in those boxes.

    In the meantime, here’s an example from one I found earlier: https://safetyhousellc.com/products/online-catalog/


    <div id="page-wrap" class="container">
    <div id="content" class="sixteen columns">
    <article class=" page type-page status-publish hentry">
    <div class="entry">



    You can see for yourself how I worked that out….. go to the users site and use your element inspector to look at the code for the main ‘all products’ page (which is working) vs an inner page (where it is broken). You can see the difference is that the code I’ve listed above for ‘header’ is displayed ABOVE the WP Catalogue content, and the code I’ve listed above for footer is displayed BELOW the WP Catalogue content in the working page, but is missing entirely from the broken inner page.

    Does this help?

    Hi Maeve,

    I had the same problem and this little tweak did solve it. But I wonder why you didn’t add such inner DIV to the plugin itself? The only reason I can think of is that in this way it’s more adjustable to use the plugin with different templates.

    I also was quite surprized to find a fixed width for the catalogue-wrapper instead of ‘100%’. That doesn’t exactly make the catalogue responsive ;). IMHO this point could use some improvement, also in the free version. I’ll write a review with some other suggestions for improvement in it, hope they will be usefull!

    Greetings from The Netherlands,

    Plugin Author Maeve Lander


    Thanks for your feedback Gert-Jan, I’ve read your review too and will definitely take those points on board and apply some of these ideas to next major release. Thanks for your help and suggestions.

    Thread Starter LanceH


    Hi Maeve

    Thanks for your explanation, understand it now so much better, Working great now. Thanks


    Plugin Author Maeve Lander


    No worries Lance, glad I could help ??

    If you like the plugin it is really helpful if you can give a rating/review here. Thank you.

    I faced this problem too and after some trying and error I got the problem fixed.
    Thanks again for this fantastic plugin and your great support!

    Plugin Author Maeve Lander


    Thanks @techload, appreciate your kind feedback.


    I have same problem with align on left. Can you help me what i must do?


    Hi there,
    I am having the same problem. I looked through the example but similar to the first post:
    “but i am still pretty lost on what to do or where to get the code from in my template files”.

    More of the ‘where’ to get the code from in my template files.

      I can provide the address.

    Thank you.

    Hi Maeve,

    Brilliant! Thanks very much!


    I have same problem. I don’t know how can I put this codes.
    Help me please!

    Hey Maeve

    thx for this plugin the only problem is i don’t get it to work probberly because of some errors…
    i get the 404 error when opening the page and my menu is displayd on top of the grid instead on the left.
    this topic is about it but i can’t figure out how to get the propper header and footer, have been playing around with chrome inspector for about 3 hours now and it’s irritating so please explain your think process.


    kind regards


    I could put the codes, but I have a NEW problem!!
    I made a multisite with Multilingual Press plugin. The WP-Catalogue is running and working well on first site, but on the other paralell site don’t have categories when I click on Order link. I created all categories then the products. The products are ready, I put for every products the categories. When I look at to the site show me that “No categories” ?????? What can I do?? Help me please!!!
    I so like this plugin and I would like use it, because this is like I want.


    Plugin Author Maeve Lander


    Hello all, this is a resolved thread. If you have an unrelated problem please post your own thread so I can help you there.


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