• Resolved miguelcaped



    I need to create a store where the products have a cost price and the sales prices are calculated, depending on the category, with a profit margin with respect to the cost price.

    Any plugin?

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  • Hey there, @miguelcaped! Thanks for contacting us.

    I’m happy to help you. But do you mind sharing more details about your goal so we can make sure we have a good understanding of what you need so we can guide you in the right direction?

    If you can give a couple of examples that would be great help.

    Thank you!

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Thread Starter miguelcaped



    I have installed the “Cost of Goods” plugin to have the cost of the product.

    I need to calculate the price for the client by adding a margin. For example:
    price = cost + margin

    Each category will have a margin. Example:
    Category 1 = 10%
    Category 2 = 15%

    Finally, as an option, I would like to be able to apply these margins according to client and category. But with what was mentioned above, for now it would be enough.


    Plugin Support Shameem a11n


    Hi @miguelcaped,

    For this, I recommend using a plugin like Dynamic Pricing, Product Dynamic Pricing and Discounts, or Dynamic Pricing, Cart Discounts & Checkout Rules plugin. These powerful plugins allow you to set different pricing rules based on categories. You can set up rules such as “If product is in Category 1, add 10% to the cost price.”

    As for applying these margins according to client and category, you might need to consider the WooCommerce Memberships plugin. It allows you to create member-specific pricing rules, which could be helpful for your needs.

    If these plugins don’t meet your requirements, it’s best to ask for insight related to those on either the WooCommerce Advanced Facebook group or the WooCommerce Community Slack. Many of our developers hang out there and will be able to offer insights into your question. You can also seek help from the following:

    I wish I could help more, but hopefully, this gets you going in the right direction to get some further insight/information.

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