• I would like to know if the following website idea is easily doable. I have next to zero website design experience and I was unable to find the information I was looking for in the support documents or using Google.

    There will be three main sections of the website. A home page, a product page, and an about page. The home page will display my latest posts. The product page will display all the products that I’ve reviewed in alphabetical order and the about page will just have information about myself and the website. I would like my posts to only include the title of the post or perhaps a picture link (which would be the products name or a picture of the product) on the home page and product page. When a visitor clicked on the title, it would take them to the full post.

    I have figured out how to create the about page and I think I have the home page figured out. The thing that I would like to know most is if it is possible to list my posts by their title only on the top level pages and once they click on the post title, it takes them to the full post (I’m not sure if this is the correct terminology, so I apologize for any confusion).

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  • JayMCee,

    Sure it’s possible but you have either to find the theme that suits your needs or modify existing one. In case of modification check files like index.php or loop.php (it really depends on the theme you use) and simply remove the_excerpt() and/or the_content() functions. This way only the post title will be displayed.

    Yet, it needs some basic knowledge of how WP themes are built so better get some reading through the WordPress Codex ??


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