• Resolved intershop


    search in front office is very fast. search in admin for a product is very very fast although i have 200k products. BUT WHEN i want to add a producty in a customer;s order it takes for ever to search, why ? what can i do ?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Fernando a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    @intershop How much is “forever”? If you can share a bit more precise calculation, that would help us get a better idea of how slow is this process on the site.

    Generally speaking, it’s not uncommon for these two searches to present different behavior and loading times, as they are carried out through different methods.

    You can verify that when you search for products on the frontend, or in the products page of the dashboard, the entire page is reloaded before displaying the search results.

    However, when searching for a product to add it to a manual order, an AJAX request is needed for this product to be loaded and added to the order, without the whole page reloading. Since these are two different processes, it’s normal for them to not behave in the exact same way.

    Thread Starter intershop


    with “forever” i mean from 1 to 3 minutes , its too much . since its a diferent search , how can i make this search “in adding product to an order” much faster ?

    Plugin Support Fernando a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    @intershop There are four things that I’d usually recommend verifying, to make sure that the server can handle large amounts of data efficiently:

    * PHP version up to date
    * MySQL version up to date
    * WP Memory above 512 MB (better if higher)
    * PHP Max inout vars above 3000 (better if higher)

    I will say though that it’s not surprising that these requests are taking longer, specially considering that your store has +200,000 products. That is a lot of information. So, you could also talk to your host to discuss ways in which they can improve the performance of the server.

    Thread Starter intershop


    my settings done many months ago are below
    and cant talk to host cause they say : you got a dedicated , do whatever u like.

    * PHP version up to date
    i have 7.1.2 not yet 7.2 cause i read some bad issues

    * MySQL version up to date

    * WP Memory above 512 MB (better if higher)
    i have 1gb
    * PHP Max inout vars above 3000 (better if higher)
    i have 10.000

    Plugin Support John Coy a11n


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @intershop,

    Speed is usually caused by conflicting code or a host that lacks in performance. WooCommerce is capable of enterprise-level speeds out of the box so you will want to consult with your host on this one.

    As for a potential code conflict, you could switch back to a default theme like Twenty Seventeen and disable all plugins except for WooCommerce to see if this resolves the issue. If so, then re-enable each one at a time until you find the one that’s causing the conflict. You also can use a plugin like Query Monitor to review what code is causing the slow page loading times.


    I am going to mark this as solved but you can open a new thread if you have any further questions for us.




    Hello to everybody,
    I’ve got a problem with the search bar in “Add Order”.

    The window’s products appear back search bar in opacity…
    how can reparir it?

    Thanks for support…

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