Hello @ambers_
Yesterday we released a major new version of the a3 lazy Load plugin – version 1.4.0
1. I am not sure about the issues that you where saying you where having with page speed – however the pingdom.com site will show you what is slowing your site – you can easily see that in the waterfall. We use it all the time and never seen any issue with a3 lazy load. I note you are using Cloudflare and W3 Total cache – both unless you have a lot of experience using them can cause no end of trouble. We use to use both but now don’t use either of them because they just constantly cause issues.
I’d suggest that you Clear the Caches completely and try it again – after you clear both the W3 Total cache and the Cloudfront Cache then test again on pingdom – you will soon see from the waterfall what is causing the issue.
2. re this – I am confused by this
I noticed, that woocommerce products who have product variation, with no variation picture, only featured image and product gallery image.
Yes that is correct – If a product has Variations and you have not uploaded any images for the variations – how can an image show for variation? If you have a featured image and product Gallery images then they are the only thing that can show?
and this?
If i open it shows correctly, but if i choose some variation, it doesn’t show pictures. It only works / show picture if I add image to product variation.
Yes that is the way WooCommerce works? Variation images only show, if you upload an image for them – otherwise it will show the WooCommerce no image image.
re this:
I deactivate and uninstall a3 from my site.
Do I need delete something manually, or it already removed all a3 files / configs when i uninstall the plugin?
Yesterday release of major feature version 1.4.0 includes 8 new features – one of those is
* Feature – Added House Keeping – Clean up on Deletion function. ON | OFF switch is in the Plugin Framework Settings Box.
So if you install the plugin again – activate it – go to the plugins admin panel > and you see in the Plugin Framework Global Settings Box the House Keeping setting. Turn that ON and Save Chnages. Then deactivate and Delete the plugin and it will clean up after itself leaving Nothing behind.
Hope all that helps you