Thank you Fernando.
In Categorie column, we see
Savons Solides (solide Soaps): it’s a product Category which contains 2 sub-categories -> Escapade au Pays des Sens (some solide Soaps) and Bien-?tre (some other solide Soaps).
Underneath there are:
Savons solides: sold soaps = 26 -> sold number is not correct, it should be 13 = 7 + 6
Escapade au Pays des Sens : sold soaps = 7 -> sold number is correct
Bien-Etre : sold soaps = 6 -> sold number is correct
Accesssoires is not a soap category -> sold number is correct
Sérum is not a soap category -> sold number is correct
I chose the dates are between 05/18/2020 and 05/19/2020 and just 1 order has been recorded in between,, so the numbers reflect numbers of this sole order.
Woocommerce dashboard:
Categories stats !
Order page1:
Order page2:
So, I don’t know why, but I think Soaps are counted twice.
In the catalog, each Solid Soap has 2 variations the Shape (round and rectangular) and wrapped (Yes or No).
So I think woocommerce counts each variation as a product which would explain the 26 products counted instead of 13.
Let me know what you think.