• For some reason, the orderby/sort option is placed after the main content/products on the catalog page. For my theme, I’ve placed a woocommerce.php file in my theme directory as recommended.

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <section id="main" >
        <div class="row">
            <?php layout::side( 'left' , $post_id , 'single'); /*left sidebar*/ ?>
            <?php woocommerce_breadcrumb(); ?>
            <div class="delimiter"></div>
        <div class="row">
            <div id="primary" class="<?php echo tools::primary_class( 0 , 'post', $return_just_class = true ); ?>">
            	<?php woocommerce_content(); ?>
            <?php layout::side( 'right' , $post_id , 'single');  /*right sidebar*/ ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Here’s what gets generated (simplified):

    <div id="primary" class="nine columns">
    	<h1 class="page-title"> Shop </h1>
    	<div class="page-description"></div>
    	<ul class="products">
    	<div class="clear"></div>
    	<form class="woocommerce_ordering" method="POST">
    		<select class="orderby" name="sort">


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  • Hey gstricklind,

    In your theme’s function.php file, add this line to the bottom:

    add_action ('woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'woocommerce_catalog_ordering', 20);

    This will add the sort drop down option above your product listings.

    Thread Starter gstricklind


    Thanks, but that duplicates it. There is now one on top above products listings, and one below.

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