Profile photo in registration
Hi, I add to Ultimate member the following plugin to allow users upload their profile photo on registration when the photo is uploaded, I have the following error:
GET https://localhost/wp-content/uploads/ultimatemember/temp/profile_photo_43f584b805e1af6fccdf11bd5e8af996_temp.JPG?1650449233924 – 404 (Not Found)I can see the photo in that path but without this parameter ?1650449233924
Someone had the same issue? I need to solve it
@missveronicatv could you see the images in the link I shared?
Could we have a short call to show you? If you can it will be great
Could we have a short call to show you? If you can it will be great
It’s against Forum rules
Yes I’m looking for the file name error where it’s being added.
Before I install the addon for “Register Photo upload” the user can upload a photo in their profile after registration. But after this installation that also does’t work, so my users can’t upload photos anymore.
And they lost previous profile photos.
I really need to solve thisNow you can try this new version of the plugin:
<?php /* Plugin Name: Ultimate Member - Enable Profile Photo in Register form Plugin URI: Description: Enable users to upload their profile photo in Register form Version: 1.2.0 Author: Ultimate Member Ltd. Author URI: */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; /** * Add new predefined field "Profile Photo" in UM Form Builder. * * @param array $arr field array settings. */ function um_predefined_fields_hook_profile_photo( $arr ) { $arr['register_profile_photo'] = array( 'title' => __( 'Profile Photo', 'ultimate-member' ), 'metakey' => 'register_profile_photo', 'type' => 'image', 'label' => __('Change your profile photo','ultimate-member' ), 'upload_text' => __( 'Upload your photo here', 'ultimate-member' ), 'icon' => 'um-faicon-camera', 'crop' => 1, 'editable' => 1, 'max_size' => ( UM()->options()->get('profile_photo_max_size') ) ? UM()->options()->get('profile_photo_max_size') : 999999999, 'min_width' => str_replace('px','',UM()->options()->get('profile_photosize')), 'min_height' => str_replace('px','',UM()->options()->get('profile_photosize')), ); return $arr; } add_filter( 'um_predefined_fields_hook', 'um_predefined_fields_hook_profile_photo', 99999, 1 ); /** * Multiply Profile Photo with different sizes * * @param integer $user_id the user ID. */ function um_registration_set_profile_photo( $user_id, $args ) { if( ! isset( $_REQUEST['register_profile_photo-'. $args['form_id']] ) ) return; if ( strpos( $_REQUEST['register_profile_photo'], '_temp.') <= -1 ) { //return; } if( is_user_logged_in() ) { UM()->files()->delete_core_user_photo( $user_id, 'profile_photo' ); } $user_basedir = UM()->uploader()->get_upload_user_base_dir( $user_id, true ); $temp_dir = UM()->uploader()->get_core_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $temp_profile_photo = array_slice( scandir( $temp_dir ), 2); $temp_profile_id = isset( $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] ) ? $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] : null; if( empty( $temp_profile_photo ) ) return; foreach( $temp_profile_photo as $i => $p ){ if ( strpos($p, "_photo_{$temp_profile_id}_temp") !== false ) { $profile_p = $p; } } if( empty( $profile_p ) ) return; $temp_image_path = $temp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $profile_p; $new_image_path = $user_basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $profile_p; $image = wp_get_image_editor( $temp_image_path ); $file_info = wp_check_filetype_and_ext( $image_path, $profile_p ); $ext = $file_info['ext']; $new_image_name = str_replace( $profile_p, "profile_photo.{$ext}", $new_image_path ); $sizes = UM()->options()->get( 'photo_thumb_sizes' ); $quality = UM()->options()->get( 'image_compression' ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $image ) ) { $image->save( $new_image_name ); $image->set_quality( $quality ); $sizes_array = array(); foreach( $sizes as $size ) { $sizes_array[ ] = array ( 'width' => $size ); } $image->multi_resize( $sizes_array ); delete_user_meta( $user_id, 'synced_profile_photo' ); update_user_meta( $user_id, 'profile_photo', "profile_photo.{$ext}" ); update_user_meta( $user_id, 'register_profile_photo', "profile_photo.{$ext}" ); @unlink( $temp_image_path ); } } add_action( 'um_after_user_account_updated', 'um_registration_set_profile_photo', 1, 2 ); add_action( 'um_registration_set_extra_data', 'um_registration_set_profile_photo', 1, 2 ); /** * Set Temporary user id */ function um_register_profile_photo_set_temp_user_id() { $temp_profile_id = isset( $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] ) ? $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] : null; if ( ! $temp_profile_id ) { setcookie( 'um-register-profile-photo', md5( time() ), time() + 3600, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN ); } } add_action( 'template_redirect', 'um_register_profile_photo_set_temp_user_id' ); /** * Set handler callback for filename */ function um_register_profile_photo_upload_handler( $override_handler ) { if ( 'stream_photo' == UM()->uploader()->upload_image_type && 'register_profile_photo' == UM()->uploader()->field_key ) { $override_handler['unique_filename_callback'] = 'um_register_profile_photo_name'; } return $override_handler; } add_filter( 'um_image_upload_handler_overrides__register_profile_photo', 'um_register_profile_photo_upload_handler', 99999 ); /** * Change filename */ function um_register_profile_photo_name( $dir, $filename, $ext ) { $temp_profile_id = isset( $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] ) ? $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] : null; return "profile_photo_{$temp_profile_id}_temp{$ext}"; } /** * Support profile photo uploader in Account form */ function um_register_display_profile_photo_in_account( $field_atts, $key, $data ) { if ( 'register_profile_photo' == $key && um_is_core_page( 'account' ) ) { $profile_photo = UM()->uploader()->get_upload_base_url() . um_user( 'ID' ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . um_profile( 'profile_photo' ) . '?ts=' . current_time( 'timestamp' ); $field_atts['data-profile_photo'] = array( $profile_photo ); } return $field_atts; } add_filter( 'um_field_extra_atts', 'um_register_display_profile_photo_in_account', 10, 3 ); /** * Clear profile photo cache */ function um_register_display_profile_photo_script() { if( ! um_is_core_page( 'account' ) ) return; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).on("ready", function(){ setTimeout(() => { var register_profile_photo = jQuery("div[data-key='register_profile_photo']"); register_profile_photo.find(".um-field-area").find(".um-single-image-preview").find("img").attr("src","profile_photo")); }, 1000); var account_small_avatar = jQuery(".um-account-meta-img-b").find("a").find("img"); account_small_avatar.attr("src", account_small_avatar.attr("src") + "?ts=" + Math.floor( / 1000) ); jQuery(document).ajaxSuccess(function(event, xhr, settings) { if( typeof !== "undefined" ){ if ("action=um_resize_image") > -1) { jQuery(".um-account .um-form form").submit(); } } }); }); </script> <?php } add_action( 'wp_footer', 'um_register_display_profile_photo_script' ); /** * Delete profile photo viam the account form */ function um_register_delete_profile_photo_from_account() { if( isset( $_REQUEST['mode'] ) && "account" == $_REQUEST['mode'] ) { UM()->files()->delete_core_user_photo( get_current_user_id(), 'profile_photo' ); } wp_send_json_success(); } add_action( 'wp_ajax_um_remove_file', 'um_register_delete_profile_photo_from_account', 1 );
@missveronicatv now is working!! excellent thank you the agility to solve this issue. It was a bug in the plugin version?
The only think to tell you is about the time, a simple photo timing is 9” to uploading, this could be related with something else?
About elapsed time for uploading images, ask your web hosting support.
In the plugin code there were two tests that always failed and caused that the
metakey never updated.One of them required the
which was missing and could be added but the second I only could delete because the test didn’t refer to any present variable.I will post a bug report at Github for the UM developers.
Excellent, Thank you for solve this issue!
There are still two issues with this plugin code:
PHP Notice: Undefined index: register_profile_photo in .../um-profile-photo.php on line 47 PHP Notice: Undefined variable: image_path in .../um-profile-photo.php on line 78
Only the second one should be fixed, the first can be removed.
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
Replace the plugin with this code to fix these two PHP Notices:
<?php /* Plugin Name: Ultimate Member - Enable Profile Photo in Register form Plugin URI: Description: Enable users to upload their profile photo in Register form Version: 1.2.0 Author: Ultimate Member Ltd. Author URI: */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; /** * Add new predefined field "Profile Photo" in UM Form Builder. * * @param array $arr field array settings. */ function um_predefined_fields_hook_profile_photo( $arr ) { $arr['register_profile_photo'] = array( 'title' => __( 'Profile Photo', 'ultimate-member' ), 'metakey' => 'register_profile_photo', 'type' => 'image', 'label' => __('Change your profile photo','ultimate-member' ), 'upload_text' => __( 'Upload your photo here', 'ultimate-member' ), 'icon' => 'um-faicon-camera', 'crop' => 1, 'editable' => 1, 'max_size' => ( UM()->options()->get('profile_photo_max_size') ) ? UM()->options()->get('profile_photo_max_size') : 999999999, 'min_width' => str_replace('px','',UM()->options()->get('profile_photosize')), 'min_height' => str_replace('px','',UM()->options()->get('profile_photosize')), ); return $arr; } add_filter( 'um_predefined_fields_hook', 'um_predefined_fields_hook_profile_photo', 99999, 1 ); /** * Multiply Profile Photo with different sizes * * @param integer $user_id the user ID. */ function um_registration_set_profile_photo( $user_id, $args ) { if( ! isset( $_REQUEST['register_profile_photo-'. $args['form_id']] ) ) return; //if ( strpos( $_REQUEST['register_profile_photo'], '_temp.') <= -1 ) { //return; //} if( is_user_logged_in() ) { UM()->files()->delete_core_user_photo( $user_id, 'profile_photo' ); } $user_basedir = UM()->uploader()->get_upload_user_base_dir( $user_id, true ); $temp_dir = UM()->uploader()->get_core_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $temp_profile_photo = array_slice( scandir( $temp_dir ), 2); $temp_profile_id = isset( $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] ) ? $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] : null; if( empty( $temp_profile_photo ) ) return; foreach( $temp_profile_photo as $i => $p ){ if ( strpos($p, "_photo_{$temp_profile_id}_temp") !== false ) { $profile_p = $p; } } if( empty( $profile_p ) ) return; $temp_image_path = $temp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $profile_p; $new_image_path = $user_basedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $profile_p; $image = wp_get_image_editor( $temp_image_path ); $file_info = wp_check_filetype_and_ext( $temp_image_path, $profile_p ); $ext = $file_info['ext']; $new_image_name = str_replace( $profile_p, "profile_photo.{$ext}", $new_image_path ); $sizes = UM()->options()->get( 'photo_thumb_sizes' ); $quality = UM()->options()->get( 'image_compression' ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $image ) ) { $image->save( $new_image_name ); $image->set_quality( $quality ); $sizes_array = array(); foreach( $sizes as $size ) { $sizes_array[ ] = array ( 'width' => $size ); } $image->multi_resize( $sizes_array ); delete_user_meta( $user_id, 'synced_profile_photo' ); update_user_meta( $user_id, 'profile_photo', "profile_photo.{$ext}" ); update_user_meta( $user_id, 'register_profile_photo', "profile_photo.{$ext}" ); @unlink( $temp_image_path ); } } add_action( 'um_after_user_account_updated', 'um_registration_set_profile_photo', 1, 2 ); add_action( 'um_registration_set_extra_data', 'um_registration_set_profile_photo', 1, 2 ); /** * Set Temporary user id */ function um_register_profile_photo_set_temp_user_id() { $temp_profile_id = isset( $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] ) ? $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] : null; if ( ! $temp_profile_id ) { setcookie( 'um-register-profile-photo', md5( time() ), time() + 3600, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN ); } } add_action( 'template_redirect', 'um_register_profile_photo_set_temp_user_id' ); /** * Set handler callback for filename */ function um_register_profile_photo_upload_handler( $override_handler ) { if ( 'stream_photo' == UM()->uploader()->upload_image_type && 'register_profile_photo' == UM()->uploader()->field_key ) { $override_handler['unique_filename_callback'] = 'um_register_profile_photo_name'; } return $override_handler; } add_filter( 'um_image_upload_handler_overrides__register_profile_photo', 'um_register_profile_photo_upload_handler', 99999 ); /** * Change filename */ function um_register_profile_photo_name( $dir, $filename, $ext ) { $temp_profile_id = isset( $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] ) ? $_COOKIE['um-register-profile-photo'] : null; return "profile_photo_{$temp_profile_id}_temp{$ext}"; } /** * Support profile photo uploader in Account form */ function um_register_display_profile_photo_in_account( $field_atts, $key, $data ) { if ( 'register_profile_photo' == $key && um_is_core_page( 'account' ) ) { $profile_photo = UM()->uploader()->get_upload_base_url() . um_user( 'ID' ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . um_profile( 'profile_photo' ) . '?ts=' . current_time( 'timestamp' ); $field_atts['data-profile_photo'] = array( $profile_photo ); } return $field_atts; } add_filter( 'um_field_extra_atts', 'um_register_display_profile_photo_in_account', 10, 3 ); /** * Clear profile photo cache */ function um_register_display_profile_photo_script() { if( ! um_is_core_page( 'account' ) ) return; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).on("ready", function(){ setTimeout(() => { var register_profile_photo = jQuery("div[data-key='register_profile_photo']"); register_profile_photo.find(".um-field-area").find(".um-single-image-preview").find("img").attr("src","profile_photo")); }, 1000); var account_small_avatar = jQuery(".um-account-meta-img-b").find("a").find("img"); account_small_avatar.attr("src", account_small_avatar.attr("src") + "?ts=" + Math.floor( / 1000) ); jQuery(document).ajaxSuccess(function(event, xhr, settings) { if( typeof !== "undefined" ){ if ("action=um_resize_image") > -1) { jQuery(".um-account .um-form form").submit(); } } }); }); </script> <?php } add_action( 'wp_footer', 'um_register_display_profile_photo_script' ); /** * Delete profile photo viam the account form */ function um_register_delete_profile_photo_from_account() { if( isset( $_REQUEST['mode'] ) && "account" == $_REQUEST['mode'] ) { UM()->files()->delete_core_user_photo( get_current_user_id(), 'profile_photo' ); } wp_send_json_success(); } add_action( 'wp_ajax_um_remove_file', 'um_register_delete_profile_photo_from_account', 1 );
Fixes have been added to the repository provided by @missveronicatv
Thank you
This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by
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