• Hi everyone, I’m Duane! As Matt alluded to in his presentation at WordCamp San Francisco, www.ads-software.com has been working on putting a profiles section up to feature the members of the community and showcase some of their contributions to WordPress. I’ve been helping with this effort, so if you see any glitches or have any feedback, please reply to this posting here.

    There’s still a bit of work to be done, but the first version is live at https://profiles.www.ads-software.com

    You can check out your own profile by going to https://profiles.www.ads-software.com/yourname

    You can also navigate there using various header links in WP.org.

    Some of the features in this first version are:

    1) List of plugins developed by each member
    2) List of themes developed by member
    3) List of global www.ads-software.com activity, including forum postings, code commits, ideas, etc.

    Some of the features still to come are:

    1) Geographical based searches for members
    2) Deeper integration with the WP consultants list
    3) Cookie sharing between WP.org and Profiles.www.ads-software.com
    4) Additional focus on community involvement of members

    If you see any glitches or have any suggestions, please leave some feedback here.

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  • So we can agree the new profile page is harder to use then. At least i can feel better in the know that others are feeling the same frustration.

    I’ve already restyled the profile page, but CSS can only do so much…

    The main issue (for me) is thread tracking… i just can’t find anything without clicking through each and every thread (like others are) under the newer profiles. I’ve been using the old profile page just to find threads with new replies…etc..

    Whooami is spot on regarding member info. Though i’d opt for all this “User Information” to be under a tab, and thread tracking under another… there’s simply not enough space to have piles of user info and threads (impo)..

    Were the changes for the profiles area discussed before implementation?

    If so, was there a public discussion? Something i can go and read.. ?? I’m sure if i understood the changes and intentions it might not feel so.. “Wow it’s changed, what the heck do i do now”…. ??

    My help here is a bit more sporadic than some of the other members. When I’m free, working on my own stuff on the computer at home, I usually pop in here and help out as much as I can. So, take this for what it’s worth, but the impact of this change for me over the past couple of days is that I don’t follow-up on help I offer here nearly as much. I have to click on “View your profile”, click on one of the threads I posted to, then click on “member” to get back to the forum profile where I can see a list of thread replies…too many clicks for me. Of course, I could bookmark the forum profile, but still I would have to click around to get to the bookmark.

    Just a suggestion…for the convenience of those helping out, change the “View your profile” link back to the forum profile until improvements have been made to the other profile. I’m sure the other profile will be great once it’s developed, but, for now, I think it may only result in a negative impact on the amount and timeliness of help (in particular, follow-up on initial help) provided here.

    So it took me a while but this
    gets me back to what I want
    and not this:

    I am in agreement with the pretty new profiles.www.ads-software.com page being a great way to see what contributions people are making, its quite interesting. I use it as a snapshot to check on the activity of my themes and plugins.

    BUT the lack of access to the old forum “view your profile” link and its extremely relevant information is greatly missed.

    I quite enjoy being able to read through the various posts, help where I can, contribute what I am able but the ease of access to posts with new replies needs to return in some form. Time is precious for many posters and not being able to quickly and efficiently identify updated posts one is involved with, in my opinion, will have a very negative effect on the forums as a whole.

    I like it. Just wish it had the bit where it tells if there has been replies on posts you’ve commented on.

    As @henkholland pointed out the “old” profile page is still there.

    This is what I did to find mine:

    1. Go to “new” profile”
    2. View page source
    3. Search for gravatar
    4. Follow line across until you see user-######-avatar
    5. Append ###### to the end of https://www.ads-software.com/support/profile/

    Bookmark it for future reference. Enjoy!


    PS: You can of course just look at the link on “member” under your name too … but that would be much too easy ??

    cais, I saw that as well. Unfortunately, yesterday, that link as well, sporadically, pointed to the new profile page.

    Not to mention Ive had that page bookmarked for years ??

    @whooami – since the link was never “needed” before I had no reason to look for it or even for that matter bookmark it (although I should have)

    Just thought there might be a lot more like me looking for the link since I noticed several replies that were making note of its absence.

    Hopefully the powers that be will leave at least that link in place for those that prefer the benefits of the “old” profile page.

    To answer my last question with something that was said a bit earlier: the old profile can have a link to a website which makes your username linked, but in the new profile you can specify a link that only comes back on the new profile page. I changed my old profile this morning and just noticed that between then and now that old profile page changed and accordingly my edited link was a link to my new profile again.
    I did some more testing with changing my username in the new profile, but I keep being Gangleri. It seems that the new profiles are not (yet) connected to the forums other than with a link to profiles.www.ads-software.com.
    Strange, btw., that a profiles developer asks what we think about the new surroundings and then retrieves from this tread. (Taking notes I gather :-)?)

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I don’t find the new profile ‘harder’ to use, but I’ve done some hefty experimentation with BuddyPress (it doesn’t do what I want, yet, and what I want isn’t right so it’s all on hold). I was already familiar with it, so this was just ‘oh, interesting.’

    That said, it’s different. It doesn’t tie in to the forums quite right either.

    the old profile can have a link to a website which makes your username linked, but in the new profile you can specify a link that only comes back on the new profile page. I changed my old profile this morning and just noticed that between then and now that old profile page changed and accordingly my edited link was a link to my new profile again.

    That’s actually ‘as designed’ with BuddyPress, IIRC. That’s the way in which it ‘tweaks’ bbPress (and WordPress) to integrate things. Your URL on your WordPress and bbPress profiles should be your BuddyPress profile for correct integration.

    * I can see the stats for my plugins!
    * I can look at JUST my new posts or replies or trac’s with a click.

    * Can’t see if someone’s replied to my posts

    * Gravatar is a bit big
    * Fonts are a bit ‘off’ the norm.

    I’m over the surprise of some days ago when the profile pages changed before my eyes, but I’m still going back to the old profile to see about recent replies to the help I’ve offered in the forums.

    If the new profile system is going to be the default, it really needs the same “Favorites” option as the old and some sort of way of keeping track of replies in chronological order. How else can one keep track of offering help?

    Strange, btw., that a profiles developer asks what we think about the new surroundings and then retrieves from this tread. (Taking notes I gather :-)?)

    Sure seems that way doesn’t it? ??

    Thread Starter Duane Storey


    Hey guys. Thanks for all the feedback. I’ve been collecting it from various forums over the weekend, including the Mu forums.

    It sounds like most people miss the ability to view the old replies to the threads. So we’ll work at adding that functionality back, probably as an add-on to bbPress. Are there any other features you’d like to see in something like that?

    In the meantime, your old profiles are still active, and you should be able to get to it by clicking “Member” next to the avatars on the left. So hopefully that’ll help in the meantime.

    So we’ll work at adding that functionality back, probably as an add-on to bbPress. Are there any other features you’d like to see in something like that?

    Isn’t that just a matter of changing the link that sits under “View your Profile”?

    Are there any other features you’d like to see in something like that?

    Being able to view the topics that I’ve participated and just recently that topic has a new comment–right now if someone comments on a topic that I commented on two years ago I might have to rifle through 200 pages before finding that “very recent comment”.

    Also please note the new profile page doesn’t seem to show all activity as it suggests.

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