• Hi everyone, I’m Duane! As Matt alluded to in his presentation at WordCamp San Francisco, www.ads-software.com has been working on putting a profiles section up to feature the members of the community and showcase some of their contributions to WordPress. I’ve been helping with this effort, so if you see any glitches or have any feedback, please reply to this posting here.

    There’s still a bit of work to be done, but the first version is live at https://profiles.www.ads-software.com

    You can check out your own profile by going to https://profiles.www.ads-software.com/yourname

    You can also navigate there using various header links in WP.org.

    Some of the features in this first version are:

    1) List of plugins developed by each member
    2) List of themes developed by member
    3) List of global www.ads-software.com activity, including forum postings, code commits, ideas, etc.

    Some of the features still to come are:

    1) Geographical based searches for members
    2) Deeper integration with the WP consultants list
    3) Cookie sharing between WP.org and Profiles.www.ads-software.com
    4) Additional focus on community involvement of members

    If you see any glitches or have any suggestions, please leave some feedback here.

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  • So, the plan has been put into action, and the your profile link from the forums goes to your old forum profile again. In the background we’ll be addressing some of the basic functional issues on the new profiles (like the double login, BuddyPress links that weren’t applicable, etc) and working on the last few features that weren’t finished.

    This experimental launch really did bring home the need for better functions around forum thread management in bbPress/the support forum, so we’ll need to work on that as well. If there are any bbPress wizards reading this who’d like to volunteer to help with the thread management issue via a bbPress core patch, let us know!

    if either the profile content or plugin data is non-ASCII, it double-encodes it:


    I have to echo the others’ sentiments regarding thread/reply tracking in the old profiles, member data (date joined), etc. I also think that the profile image should be smaller. Right now my 150×150 Gravatar image is being stretched to 190×190, which distorts it. Perhaps drop it back to 125×125?

    A glitch that I’ve noticed in my new profile is that the download count for my plugin is off. The number in my new profile is 30 downloads higher than the stats on my plugin page show.

    My Profile

    Plugin Download Stats

    Not sure if this is happening to other plugin/theme authors as well.

    Just wanted to drop in and say great work to everyone for adding BuddyPress to this setup. Good job!

    Are the local forums going to be added to profile as well?

    just a poke and reminder for the future:

    But, it’s annoying to forum mods to have to bookmark their old profile to access it for thread tracking, and annoying forum mods is definitely *not* the WordPress way.

    Its annoying for people that arent mods also, and we count .. in fact, we outnumber them. ??

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Right now my 150×150 Gravatar image is being stretched to 190×190, which distorts it. Perhaps drop it back to 125×125?

    A better solution would be to upload a higher quality version of your gravatar. It goes up to 512×512 natively, and the scaling happens on the gravatar servers, in high quality. So with a high-res gravatar, you get excellent results at all sizes.

    Any plans to include Codex contributions to the profile pages?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    They’d have to use something like this: https://dev.commons.gc.cuny.edu/2009/07/06/new-mediawiki-extension-buddypressactivity/

    I’ve yet to try that sort of thing ??

    A glitch that I’ve noticed in my new profile is that the download count for my plugin is off. The number in my new profile is 30 downloads higher than the stats on my plugin page show.

    Not sure if this is happening to other plugin/theme authors as well.

    I have four themes and four plugins showing on my profile. The download count has been steadily decreasing on one of them (Desk Mess Mirrored) on the profile while the theme page stats shows increases in downloads.

    Profile: https://profiles.www.ads-software.com/cais/

    Theme Stats: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/themes/desk-mess-mirrored/stats/

    Not exactly sure when it started “separating” just adding the observation.

    Not to dredge up an old topic … but is any work being done on the profile display. The information provided under the “My Themes” and “My Plugins” are both becoming increasingly incorrect.

    In my particular case: three out of four plugin download counts are incorrect; and I would suspect that all themes should be displayed, which is not in my case (1 is missing) and the download counts of the four showing now have two incorrect, previously it was just one.

    PS: If anyone knows which specific file controls the display of the user name I’d be happy to look for a fix to the possessive apostrophe “s” issue on names ending with an “s” …

    The plugin list on My Plugins does not list all the plugins you work on.

    It appears to only list the ones which you were the original account requester for.

    e.g. https://profiles.www.ads-software.com/westi/ is missing one of my plugins (WP Contact Form) https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/profile/westi

    I suddenly seem to have a profile picture. And I don’t seem to be able to change it.

    If I go to gravatar, it tells me that my username is already in use.

    Is there any way to opt for a “blank” or a zero avatar?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Your picture is a gravatar generated off your email address.

    Register on Gravatar with a different username, as your email is what defines it, and then you can make whatever you want.

    Moderator James Huff


    I suddenly seem to have a profile picture. And I don’t seem to be able to change it.

    That’s the new default gravatar for the forums. The new default “Monster” gravatars use an algorithm based on your email address to construct a unique “monster” for everyone. It’s really quite fascinating.

    As mentioned above, sign up at gravatar.com to upload your own gravatar. The gravatar is linked to your email address, so make sure that one of the emails linked to your new gravatar account is the email that you use here.

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