• Hi everyone, I’m Duane! As Matt alluded to in his presentation at WordCamp San Francisco, www.ads-software.com has been working on putting a profiles section up to feature the members of the community and showcase some of their contributions to WordPress. I’ve been helping with this effort, so if you see any glitches or have any feedback, please reply to this posting here.

    There’s still a bit of work to be done, but the first version is live at https://profiles.www.ads-software.com

    You can check out your own profile by going to https://profiles.www.ads-software.com/yourname

    You can also navigate there using various header links in WP.org.

    Some of the features in this first version are:

    1) List of plugins developed by each member
    2) List of themes developed by member
    3) List of global www.ads-software.com activity, including forum postings, code commits, ideas, etc.

    Some of the features still to come are:

    1) Geographical based searches for members
    2) Deeper integration with the WP consultants list
    3) Cookie sharing between WP.org and Profiles.www.ads-software.com
    4) Additional focus on community involvement of members

    If you see any glitches or have any suggestions, please leave some feedback here.

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  • As mentioned above, sign up at gravatar.com to upload your own gravatar. The gravatar is linked to your email address, so make sure that one of the emails linked to your new gravatar account is the email that you use here

    Yes, I have double checked that. I logged in to gravatar with the same email address as I use for roadie here. This image is what I see when I click on “Check this gravatar”. It is not the same as the one I see on this forum.

    The username that gravatar associates with this email address is not roadie. I can not log in to gravatar using the username roadie.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Your username on Gravatar doesn’t matter, I promise you.

    Those images you see, did you upload them? If not, that’s why.

    The right hand image was one I chose (from the internet rather than from my own computer). That is the one I expected to see. Ah, maybe it was the x rating?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Well … yes ?? The rating here is probably G or PG.

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