• Anyone had a chance to use Profit Builder from Sean Donohoe?
    I tried installing it and somehow I lost everything. Luckily I had backed everything up.Any ideas what went wrong?

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  • Thread Starter steveandvicky


    this is the error I get my wodpress and what can I do bout it

    Test Database ConnectionX
    The database “welcome_wrdp1” has 92 tables. The IMSC Site Cloner only works with an EMPTY database. Enable the “Table Removal” checkbox to delete all tables and proceed with installation. Please backup all your data before proceeding!

    Some hosting providers do not allow table removal from scripts like the IMSC Site Cloner. In this case you will need to login to your hosting providers control panel and remove the tables manually. Please contact your hosting provider for further details.

    I didn’t receive the “INSTALL ERROR”.

    My problem is that Sean goes too fast. He also hides the tabs at the top, which makes it difficult to understand how he goes from display to display.

    I cannot understand how he installs “background images”. I have tried to follow but without without success.

    Have you had success installing background images? If so, could you please give me some pointers. Thank you.


    Thread Starter steveandvicky


    Hello Leon,

    I wish we could help you with that but we are in the same boat, he does go too fast. Did you install the program on an existing wordpress or a new one? We still don’t have it installed completely or got an answer from them

    Steve and Vicky

    I’m having a “deal breaker” problem with ProfitBuilder. I can build pages, use the nifty templates, etc. etc… but any time that I actually save a page, and leave it, I cannot re-open the page. Well, actually, the page will re-open, and display one screen’s worth… but everything is locked up solid, with no moveable scroll bars, no tool bars, and no way to do anything other than change the URL, and go back to the /wp-admin log-in.

    I think they have give up trying to help me at the ProfitBuilder support system…. so I have scrapped the entire WordPress install, reinstalled 4.0, and switched to the OptimizePress theme…

    At one point, I actually had a double row of all of the ProfitBuilder tools at the top visible. I sent a screen capture of that phenomenon to PB support…. Somehow, the PB plug-in .zip file disappeared. I’ve requested that they send me another one, but haven’t heard back in over 24 hours.

    I have to assume that Sean is more interested in flogging over-priced marketing schemes than he is in supporting his whiz-bang plug-in…. Oh well…


    I can’t even figure out how to get the Profit Builder plug in to install in WordPress. I spent all this money on it…I want to use it! Any help would be appreciated. I have experience with Wix, but not with WordPress. My hosting is through Bluehost. My website address is https://www.virginiachampionshipwrestling.com

    As you can see, I have nothing on my website yet and I want to get it started so I can start advertising etc.



    That’s a premium plugin, and commercial products are not supported in these forums. You need to go to the site where you bought the plugin for help.

    See https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Forum_Welcome#Commercial_Products

    Hi, Steve & Vicki:

    I have completed my website using WP ProfitBuilder: www.ALeonWhite.info. I am thoroughly impressed with the WPPB.

    Email moderated – do not post emails in these forums. See https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Forum_Welcome#The_Bad_Stuff


    PS: How do I upload an image. One is in the Gravatar profile, but I can’t get one here. Thank you.

    I have had Profit Builder for a month now. I’ll be honest I hate It!!
    Oh, its pretty, has good features but it has a big negative.
    ZERO support!!!!
    If you get stuck, then your stuck.
    They have 200 tutorials but there might as well be zero tutorials. Thats how useful they are.
    Hope I save someone from falling in the same hole I did.
    Stuck with It.

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