Programatically Create and Update Events
What is the proper way to programatically add and update events? The
function doesn’t work. The event is created but doesn’t show on the frontend. The documentation is pretty poor for this area.-
This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Anonymous User 13711045.
This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
It appears that this is a known issue and I am not the only one experiencing it as evidence by another thread.
No support person ever responded to that with a solution or even acknowledged that there is an issue, so I’m hoping to get some clarity on why the
functions do not properly work.Howdy, @thekendog! We have some documentation around working with events (querying, creating, deleting, etc) programmatically over at Check out the ORM documentation, specifically info on event creation.
Hopefully this is helpful for you!
How do I add/edit/update them? That page is for filtering. Where are all of the variables I can use? The link on that page doesn’t even work! It goes to a page not found!
Also, why is the
function still included in the plugin and in the documentation if it doesn’t work?-
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Anonymous User 13711045.
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Anonymous User 13711045.
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Anonymous User 13711045.
Ah! You found a broken link – which I have now fixed, thank you. The link you found that was broken was that second one in my reply to you labeled “event creation”. I’ve added some documentation around the fields that can be used for adding / editing events on that Modifying the Database link.
The tribe_create_event is still present because it is still applicable to folks that have had TEC active pre 6.0 and have not migrated their events. The arguments
If you are curious about where to poke further from a code perspective, check out our automated tests around the ORM. We have a number of tests that show the usage as well! In the TEC repo on GitHub, you can see them here:
As you are working on programmatic tweaking of events, this might have some helpful things to see / take into consideration as you work with the events.
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Matthew Batchelder.
Ok, perhaps making note in the documentation that the
function doesn’t work anymore will help others. I wasted way too much time today trying to figure out what the heck was going on.As for the new methods, I have gotten the create method to work. However, the update one is not. I’m doing this:
$event_id = tribe_events()
->where('id', $post_id)
->set('start_date', '2023-07-29 00:00:00)
->set('end_date', '2023-07-31 23:59:59)
->set('timezone', 'America/New_York)
->save();These are the erros I get in the debug log:
tribe-canonical-line channel=default level=debug source="TEC\Events\Custom_Tables\V1\Models\Model::validate:266" errors="{\"end_date\":\"The start_date should be a valid date.\",\"timezone\":\"The provided timezone is not a valid timezone.\",\"start_date_utc\":\"The start_date_utc requires a value.\"}"
tribe-canonical-line channel=default level=error source="The start_date should be a valid date. : The provided timezone is not a valid timezone. : The start_date_utc requires a value." method="TEC\Events\Custom_Tables\V1\Models\Builder::upsert" line=306 model="TEC\Events\Custom_Tables\V1\Models\Event"
In the above snippet, it looks like there are missing quotes after each of the dates and the timezone. I was able to run an update just like yours and it succeeded once I fixed the missing quotes.
I have made a note on the
documentation to point out the ORM, but I took a look at our automated tests and realize that I misspoke.tribe_create_event
should still function and is supported, despitetribe_events()
being the preferred approach (I indicated that on the documentation).The following update worked for me using
with an event ID of 5:$event_id = tribe_events()
->where('id', $post_id)
->set('start_date', '2023-07-29 00:00:00')
->set('end_date', '2023-07-31 23:59:59')
->set('timezone', 'America/New_York')
->save();The following
worked for me as well:tribe_create_event([
'post_title' => 'Boom',
'post_content' => 'Boom',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'EventStartDate' => '2023-08-01',
'EventStartHour' => '12',
'EventStartMinute' => '00',
'EventStartMeridian' => 'pm',
'EventEndDate' => '2023-08-01',
'EventEndHour' => '01',
'EventEndMinute' => '00',
'EventEndMeridian' => 'pm',
]);The missing quote was just an error in me copying and pasting stuff. They are there in my actual code.
I figured out the issue and it was that you cannot update an existing event without having first created it using the
method. I am using an ACF form on the frontend to create the event by publishing a tribe_events post. I was then trying to edit stuff for it using code. This does not work and I cannot then use thetribe_update_event
method because the event doesn’t have a proper entry in the tec_events and tec_occurences tables and it’ll throw an error. This is a huge bummer as it basically disallows creating events through ACF forms (I’m using ACF Extended) or Gravity Forms for instance. The events are a regular custom post type, but they also have connected custom DB tables that are required to have associated entries and you can only access them by using the functions and methods provided by the plugin. It’s a hybrid approach and kind of weird.I know about the Community Events add-on and I’ve tried it and I hated it. Again, a huge bummer.
Also, I did discover what I think is a bug when updating an event using the
method.When creating an event, I am supplying a start and end date field without time, and am setting all_day to true. This results in proper dates. For instance, the supplied start_date on creation is 2023-07-29 which results in a final start date of
2023-07-29 00:00:00
. The supplied end date is 2023-07-30 which results in an end date of2023-07-30 23:59:59
.However, when doing this using the save method, the times are incorrect. Again, I am setting all_day to true. However, the final dates are
2023-07-29 00:00:00
and2023-07-30 00:00:00
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Anonymous User 13711045.
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
Anonymous User 13711045.
Ah, good findings! This will generate the occurrences after post creation (which will then allow tribe_events() to work its magic):
tribe()->make( \TEC\Events\Custom_Tables\V1\Repository\Events::class )->update( $event_id, [] );
This brings up an excellent point that we should create either a helper function that allows for the generation/saving of event occurrences and/or do that by default in
when saving! Thank you for exploring this here.As for that other finding – I’ll pass that info to the team to look into more deeply.
Hi @thekendog
I’m reaching out to let you know that we’ve created an internal ticket to address the issue you reported, and we’ve included your case in it.
Unfortunately, we don’t have an estimated time for when the issue will be resolved, but we’ll keep you updated as soon as a solution becomes available.
If you have other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to bump a new thread on our way. This allows us to track topics/issues efficiently and follow the WordPress Forum Guidelines.
Internal Bug Ticket Reference: TEC-4855Thank you @borkweb !!! That little snippet was the silver bullet I was seeking for months now, to fix the cloned events that were not appearing in the frontend
Tier 1 and Tier 2 support had no clue about it, when I opened a ticket trying to determine what I was missing when programmatically creating an event through other means
Perhaps you can make an internal note of this simple snippet, and add to the ORM documentation, to be of better help to others seeking insights when extending the TEC plugin’s functionality?
You saved my day, much appreciated!
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by
Earthman Media.
Hi @earthman100
Thanks for your message. and I’m glad the snippets provided above were helpful to you.
Please see our documentation here:
Thanks. I had looked into that stuff before – the thing is, the posts were *already created, by another plugin. I had to use the snippet I mentioned, found in this forum, nowhere else, to modify them, *after the fact, to get them to appear on the frontend.
That method wasn’t/isn’t mentioned on either of the pages you linked to. That’s the point I was trying?to make… a ‘helper’ function (as @borkweb suggested) to use that snippet might be a good idea, for future friendliness
FYI – The 1st page you linked to has a dead link to (what used to be) the second link:
To see details on this, check out the Modifying the database section of ORM – Methods
Hi @earthman100
Thank you for letting us know about the documentation issue and the dead link. I have already informed the team about it, and we will work on resolving it as soon as possible.
I will keep you posted on any updates. Your input is greatly appreciated.
This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by
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