Sounds good.
So I successfully set up the plugin thanks to your help I tested it and it does work with sending Twitch Feed posts to my Twitch account. I haven’t seen it successfully sync a status update from Twitch to my site, however. I only tried once.
One feature I’d really like to see: I currently use NextScripts Social Network Auto Poster plugin ( to automatically publish new posts to various social media accounts. The different social media accounts are listed as check boxes on the Add New Post and Edit Posts pages. The check box is checked by default for new posts, and unchecked by default for updating an existing post. If I hit publish/update with the check box checked, then it posts to the corresponding social media accounts. I would like to see the same functionality with Twitch Press. I’m not really using the Twitch Feeds post type (I recognize that others might) so I don’t want to see that go away. But I would like to see that when I create a regular blog post (or page, or any custom post type that I specify perhaps in a settings area), that I have the option by way of a check box, to also publish it to my Twitch channel feed. The feed would say “A new %posttype% has been published at %sitename%: %postlink%”. Ideally this text would be customization in the settings area.
Also, regarding your greater project road map. I use a few different Twitch services in my WP site so if there was one plugin that included all of these features together that would be awesome:
1.) Display “Currently Live/Offline” status/button on page by way of shortcode. Button/message should have the option to display viewer count, game title, stream title, and stream preview if user chooses. I currently use this plugin that I have tweaked some
2.) Curate a selection of VODs either based on keyword or channel name. I have a page that displays all my VODs but working with plugin dev to get it working properly. Plugin I am referencing is this
3.) Embed shortcode generator. My thinking for this is yes there is an admin settings area where the admin enters their Twitch credentials, but I’m thinking maybe an area specifically for generating shortcodes that contain the HTML iframe for embedding a stream. The user would enter a Twitch channel or VOD (because maybe they want to embed different channels’ streams or VODs on different pages) and upon entering the information, they would hit a general shortcode button. The shortcode would be minimal and look something like [twitch_embed_4] for example if this is the 4th shortcode they have generated. This shortcode would be tied to the specific Twitch channel or VOD they referenced when creating it. The shortcodes could be used in sidebar widgets, on pages, or anywhere else shortcodes are accepted. For example, maybe two or three streamers partner up and all decide to embed each other’s streams on their website in a section titled “Streamers I Support”.
4.) I use Super Socializer ( for users to login and register using their Twitch account. It would be awesome if you could tie into the Twitch API to determine whether the currently logged in user is a Twitch follower or even a sub. After that, a way to allow certain pages and posts to be only viewed by followers/subs would be awesome.
5.) I use The Events Calendar plugin ( where I post events such as an upcoming 24-hr stream. It would be create if Twitch Press could read events I post via Twitch and create a new event on my WP events page.
Just so of my ideas so far.