• trenddesign


    Hi there,

    I am looking for a solution for the following project in WordPress:
    I would like to create a platform where customers can register and then have their own profile area. This profile area should be the same for all customers in terms of scope and I would like to predetermine what is possible there.
    This area should have a predefined layout, which the customer can then fill and add to with their own content. Customer data can be images, text, selection of text color, PDFs, creation of social media profiles and a rating function for Google.
    For this purpose, the area should be filled out with a dummy profile if the customer does not yet want to place their own content. In addition, automatically predefined content such as games or magazines should be available in every profile. The customer should also not be able to remove this content.
    The path of the profile should be able to be determined by the customer himself. He should use his page with the desired name. The portal is called waitbreak.com
    If the customer now names his profile “customer profile”, his path should read waitbreak.com/customerprofile
    This path should now also be displayed in the customer profile as a QR code that the customer can print out.

    Is such a project feasible with WordPress and Ultimate Member?
    If so, what other plugins are required?
    Does anyone have experience with such a kind of project and can help or recommend someone?

    Best regards

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  • Delana Taylor


    Yep, UM can do that.

    I’m using UM and WPUF combo for a brand new venture I’m working on for a review site, launching “now” (shortly). It’s here: https://www.ravesandreviews.com/

    Authorized Reviewers specifically and expressly vend the memberships from their profile page so I’ve set it up with that in mind. The Reviewer Lite members are not authorized for it so their profiles do not have the text area to add more content than the basic info.

    As for a dummy account, you’d have to set that up yourself in the forms / profile area and add the placeholder or displayed text yourself. If they don’t fill it out then the default info is shown.

    Have a look at the RR and the sample member profiles to see if that is something that would fit your needs.

    However, the path for the profile name is connected to their username because it works as an “author page” of sorts. The path would be domain.com/user/username.

    I renamed user to reviewer. You can see the individual paths for each member role. These are the equvalent of a dummy account so people can see what their membership profile will include.

    I’ve gone through UM so much I’m doing it in my sleep. It is a robust membership plugin and I highly recommend it. Even the free version is a great solution. I couple it with WP User Frontend so revewers can post reviews. There are additional plugins I do use with UM that show who’s online, the shortcodes in the directory to show how many of each member role there are, the login option, etc. If you think UM will work for your project hit me up here or via the RR site and I can help where I’m able.

    Plugin Support Aswin Giri


    Hello @trenddesign

    Most of the things you have mentioned like registration, user profile, profile fields, premade layout for profile, users being able to edit their profile are possible with Ultimate member but it does not allow you to have a user profile page similar to waitbreak.com/customerprofile but it will have profile URL similar to waitbreak.com/user-page-slug/customerprofile. Ultimate member also does not offer a QR code feature but you will be able to add it with some coding.

    I hope I was able to answer most of your questions. Since it is a free plugin, I suggest you try it out to see how much of your requirement does it meet.

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Aswin Giri.
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