• Hello community,

    Proposal: Increase the default cURL timeout to 60 seconds.


    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught WpOrg\Requests\Exception: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 1000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received in /opt/bitnami/wordpress/wp-includes/Requests/src/Transport/Curl.php:490

    • The majority of APIs do not open their HTTP Output Stream until it is time to respond, so the 5s timeout is a bit too short for some use cases.

    Current workaround solution:

    Adding to the theme’s functions.php something like this:

    add_action( 'http_api_curl', 'my_global_curl_setopt', 1, 3 );
    function my_global_curl_setopt( $curl, $url, $options ) {
    curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 60 ); // Adjust timeout value as needed
    curl_setopt( $curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60 ); // Adjust timeout value as needed
    // Add additional curl_setopt calls here with desired options
    return $curl;

    For a lack of a better word, it feels a bit clunky and repetitive when we are managing over 200 WordPress sites.

    Our own use cases:

    • 70% of our API use cases are measured in sub-seconds range, ~100ms. These are all pub/sub-driven events, so the response can be very low since complex processing logics are done in the background outside WP altogether.
    • 30% of our API use cases do require a real-time response, and these generally still require complex business logics. For example, processing will connect to X number of external APIs. As much as we’re trying to limit these types of processing to a minimum, they are the reality.

    My technical perspectives:

    • I accept that the increase in the default timeout might exhaust the number of PHP workers on the WP server side and therefore open up possible DDoS attacks.
    • As highlighted, I want to reduce what would become boilerplate copy-pasta code that the majority of us will end up doing. This is a cardinal sin, and I feel the community here can debate and help out.
    • The majority of open-source HTTP clients, e.g., NodeJS Axios, now understand that the timeout is a difficult problem just like caching itself. So, where can we find the right balance for most real-world cases?
    • Just a hypothesis: I have a feeling that if a well-crafted server-side opens the HTTP Output Stream early and simply sleeps for M seconds, then the cURL timeout on the WP side would never occur. The immediate use case here is downloading a very large file on the server side.

    This is just a proposal, and I’d like to hear what the community’s sentiments are.

    Many thanks,


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