i edited the file:
look for the line containing the function definition start:
public static function get_term_protection($term_id,$taxonomy){
replace this function by:
public static function get_term_protection($term_id,$taxonomy){
//If this branch isn't protected, just stop now and save all that processing power
if (!CTXPS_Queries::check_term_protection($term_id,$taxonomy)){
return false;
//If we're still going, then it means something above us is protected, so lets get the list of permissions
global $wpdb;
$return = array();
$group_array = array();
/**Gets the parent id of the current page/post*/
$parent_id = get_term($term_id,$taxonomy);
$parent_id = (integer)$parent_id->parent;
/**Gets the ctx_ps_security data for this post (if it exists) - used to determine if this is the topmost secured page*/
//$amisecure = get_post_meta($postid,'ctx_ps_security',true);
//1. If I am secure, get my groups
//Get Group relationship info for this page from wp_ps_security, join wp_posts on postid
$groups = CTXPS_Queries::get_groups_by_object('term',$term_id, true);
//If 0 results, dont do anything. Otherwise...
foreach($groups as $group){
$group_array[$group->group_id] = $group->group_title;
//Add an item to the array. 'pageid'=>array('groupid','groupname')
$return[(string)$term_id] = $group_array;
//2. If I have a parent, recurse
//Using our earlier results, check post_parent. If it's != 0 then recurse this function, adding the return value to $array
if($parent_id != 0){
//$recursedArray = CTXPS_Security::get_protection($parentid);
//$array = array_merge($array,$recursedArray);
$parent_array = self::get_term_protection($parent_id,$taxonomy);
$return += $parent_array;
//3. Return the completed $array
return $return;
and change line 362 into:
return self::get_term_protection($content_id,$taxonomy);
this removed the errors for me.
the functionality of not showing the menu items of protected categories and posts still works so this looks like a good addition to the original files.