• One of my plugins was recently pulled from www.ads-software.com, because it was participating in the Sustainable Plugins Sponsorship Network (SPSN). According to Mark Riley this is against the rules, which are:

    1. Your plugin must be GPLv2 Compatible.
    2. The plugin most not do anything illegal, or be morally offensive (that’s subjective, we know).
    3. You have to actually use the subversion repository we give you in order for your plugin to show up on this site. The WordPress Plugins Directory is a hosting site, not a listing site.
    4. The plugin must not embed external links on the public site (like a “powered by” link) without explicitly asking the user’s permission.
    5. If you don’t specify a v2-compatible license, what you check in is explicitly GPLv2.


    For now I have removed the SPSN from all my plugins, but I do not agree that participating in the SPSN is against the rules. IMHO it clearly isn’t. Of course reasoning with Mark has been tried, but without any result so far. I have thought a long time about this and I have decided to protest against this injustice. That is why I won’t release any new features or improvements for this plugin for the next 30 days (except critical bug fixes). Furthermore I am asking you to protest against this injustice by writing to Mark Riley at [email protected].

    I am not writing plugins to earn money, nor do I participate in the SPSN for money. The few bucks I got from the SPSN is not even enough to pay the coffee I drank while developing this plugin.

    If you don’t agree with me, please let me know why.

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  • And thinking back to the beginning of this post until now, a lot of mistrust (including mine) came from not knowing exactly what SPSN is, what it does and what it does NOT do.
    So a clear explanation (Like in my earlier post) will help clear up a lot of questions and will help eliminate a lot of problems later on.
    People tend to expect the worst from things they don’t understand.

    Thread Starter M66B


    The plugin description is already long, so I think it is not a good idea to add something to it. There is also a technical reason, the readme.txt, which contains the texts for www.ads-software.com, is at its maximum size. I already had to cut the changelog for this reason.

    Everybody that uses the plugin should approve the EULA after adding the first link. I have added a paragraph about the SPSN to the EULA.

    Thread Starter M66B


    I didn’t hear anything from Mark, which is disappointing and demotivating.

    Hellloooooooooooooooooooooo—> Mr. Greg Mulhauser??? You’re one hard man to track down! lol hoping you Will Get this….I used your Greg’s Numbering Plug in and it’s just Not working! Is there a newer version? maybe I’m user error…..seemed pretty simple click on the link to your plug in and install into my www.ads-software.com …something I’m missing? Helpppppp please ;]
    my website is kreationsbykimberlyrae.com and all I want to do is have the a number in sequence to EACH comment #1 -#2 – #3 etc…for however many comments I have for the post.

    Thread Starter M66B


    I really don’t understand that you use this discussion for your question. The subject is far from your question and it is about a plugin of a different author. With just one Google query you could have found the correct page: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/gregs-threaded-comment-numbering/ Please go there to ask your question.

    Thread Starter M66B


    Today two of my plugins were pulled from the WordPress plugin repository without any prior notice. The reason given was that there were security concerns. Maybe that is true, maybe not, but I am quite sure this wasn’t properly researched. Both plugins have been available for a long time.

    Again I feel mistreated. I made all my plugins initially for myself and shared and supported them for fun. The way I am treated by www.ads-software.com and especially Mark Riley takes away all the fun.

    This is why I will stop supporting all my plugins effective immediately. I have requested to remove all my plugins from www.ads-software.com.

    Isn’t there a misunderstanding here? AL2FB is still available from the repository to me, I searched it and it came up as it always does.

    Thread Starter M66B


    Two other plugins were pulled: Mini Mail Dashboard Widget and Light Post.

    Add Link to Facebook is still there, but as said I have requested to pull all my plugins from the repository. I am simply done with www.ads-software.com.

    I will download your facebook plugin from ANYWHERE you put it! I’ll check myself for updates. I already use some paid plugins for things like membership and shopping carts – Why NOT go that route? The work you have put into this plugin, and the great job that it does for me is MORE than worth any decent price of admission you set.

    Look at this as an opportunity, rather than an annoyance.

    I would hate to see you walk away entirely – I know that when you feel slighted like that it can be very disheartening. I don’t know all the particulars, but I had absolutely no trouble with the ads – or the check boxes for reviewing and donation.

    I do think warning you initially would have been a better way to approach it rather than pulling plug-ins – but I have no idea how many people THEY see every day purposely doing ill, they may be pretty jaded themselves. I’m not defending the action, mind you, just looking at both sides of the coin.

    In any case – your work has been much appreciated!

    Sucks balls!! Yours is my favorite Facebook plugin, and IMO, the best.

    The reason given was that there were security concerns.

    So you would rather www.ads-software.com host insecure plugins?

    Thread Starter M66B


    Did you ever see WordPress itself vanish from the internet because of a security concern? (there were several in the past)

    If I have had a 24 hour notice I would be looking into the issue immediately.

    But this is not my only problem. There is no real support from www.ads-software.com. The issue documented in this thread is still not solved. I didn’t hear anything ever from Mark Riley and this is unfortunately not an exception.

    How long do you think it would have taken to restore the pulled plugins to www.ads-software.com?

    what do you mean? is this the end of your plugin sir? ??

    Marcel, You should seriously consider about turning your Add Link to Facebook plugin into a commercial plugin solution before ending support of it. I know that there are hundreds, if not thousands of WordPress users who benefit from your plugin right now.

    I would be more than willing to pay $10/year to continue using your plugin. Have you considered starting a Kickstarter campaign so that you can host it (and of your other plugins) in your own private repository?


    Thread Starter M66B


    For all the people that donated something: if you have any problem with one of my plugins, contact me and I will try to help you.

    Several people suggested to turn my plugins in commercial ones. As said before I shared and supported my plugins for fun. I don’t see how a little bit of money can bring back the fun, so this is not the way I want to go.

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