• Resolved iSaumya


    In my site, I use publicize to auto share my posts, but it seems to have a link issue. That is, I use a permalink structure which is: https://www.example.com/%postname%-%year%-%monthnum%-%day%/
    Now when my posts has been shared in twitter, it uses the default link structure provided by wordpress, i.e. https://www.example.com/?p=123
    This is really a big issue, infact for this bug, my twitter account does not show my posts with Twitter Card, I have to delete the tweet manually and then have to retweet everytime I write a new post.

    Please fix it up ASAP


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  • Thread Starter iSaumya


    Help please….

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Jetpack does indeed use shortlinks when pushing your posts to Twitter. It shouldn’t break anything on your site though, as WordPress will automatically redirect users from the shortlink to the original permalink.

    If you do not want to see these links, you can activate the wp.me shortlinks module, or another shortlink plugin like WP Bit.ly.

    Thread Starter iSaumya


    Hey Jeremy thanks for your kind reply. Yes you are right when I was using wp.me shortlink module I have never faced any issues like that, but again it also has a big drawback. See I use Twitter summery card for my site, and if I activate the wp.me shortlink module, the the auto post has been done, it wont show the link as a summery twitter card. I have to again tweet it manually for that.
    Any solution for this?

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    I use Twitter summery card for my site, and if I activate the wp.me shortlink module, the the auto post has been done, it wont show the link as a summery twitter card

    That seems like a bug with Twitter Cards: using shortlinks or URL shorteners shoudn’t break them. Could you post your site URL here so I can have a look?

    If you want it to remain private, you can also contact us via this contact form:

    Thread Starter iSaumya


    ofcourse. My site url is https://www8.isaumya.com/

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Thanks! I was able to reproduce the issue with your latest post. The long URL returns a proper summary on Twitter, while the shortlink doesn’t.
    Both links return error in the Twitter Card validator, though:

    I can’t reproduce the problem on other domains; the wp.me shortlink usually returns the same results as the long form link.

    Could you go through the steps to validate your site on twitter.com, and then try to validate both a long and a short link from your site?


    Thread Starter iSaumya


    Hi, I have no idea why the validator showing error to you, everything seems fine here in the validator. Even the short link too – Check this out: https://www.diigo.com/item/image/3um1h/ur4e

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    I tried again today, and the validator returns correct results for the original URL now:

    It does, however, return an error for the shortlink.

    Could you switch to another theme for a few minutes, and try again? Your current theme seems to remove the shortlink from your site’s header, and that could be what’s causing the problem.

    The shortlink is probably removed with this code, in your theme’s functions.php file:

    remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_shortlink_wp_head', 10, 0 );

    Thread Starter iSaumya


    Thank you very much for your reply. Trust me I have searched all the codes of my theme but did not find anything you have mentioned. Could you please sent me a mail, so that I can sent you the required files of my theme and you can take a look into it. My mail id is [email protected]
    Just drop me a mail, and I will reply you.
    I hope you will understand.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @isaumya What happens when you switch to one of the default themes for a few minutes? Do you experience similar issues?


    Thread Starter iSaumya


    My site has pagespeed and w3 installed, also if I change the theme, it will make my users unhappy, anyways, I have pasted this link https://wp.me/p3pO7D-gE in a manual tweek and it is start showing summery. Dont know what is going on.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    I have pasted this link https://wp.me/p3pO7D-gE in a manual tweet and it is start showing summery. Dont know what is going on.

    This might have been a temporary issue with Twitter. Let me know if the links are back to normal next time you publish a post!

    Thread Starter iSaumya


    Ofcourse I will let you know, anyways, I have sent an email via jetpack.me contact form for the issue of Contact Form of Jetpack, please check it.
    Thank for all your help.

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