• Hi.

    I have seen more than 10 discussions about that, but I still haven’t found a solution.

    I need to publish posts in the future, because they are “events” and not “articles” and they could be in the future but I want people to see them.

    How can I do?

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  • Thread Starter ELAN42///


    There MUST be a solution.

    It’s a very basic thing… I have to edit WP sources to resolve that !?


    I agree. I have made a similar post 8 months ago and 2 hours ago. My need is a little different. I have a repository of posts that I want to “meter out” a few a day.

    The single response I received was from another member who said to simply make the post as usual but put the date in the future. Will this work for you?

    It does not do what I want. I want to run from a Chron job, so I can do the jobs that a computer can’t do.

    If I see anything else to help you – I’ll post, but I don’t think so since I did a “sitesearch” of www.ads-software.com with google and spent hours not finding what I need.

    Good luck,

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    WordPress has this built in. Really, just put the post in the future. When that time rolls around, the post will show up, by itself. No need for a cron job, if your server is working properly, as WordPress has its own built in “cron” type of system.

    If you wish to list future posts seperately, you need to use a second loop.

    <div id="zukunft">
    	<div id="zukunft_header"><p>Kommende News</p></div>
    	<?php query_posts('showposts=10&post_status=future');??>
    	<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    		<div >
    			<p class><b><?php the_title(); ?></b><?php edit_post_link('e',' (',')'); ?><br />
    			<span class="datetime"><?php the_time('j. F Y'); ?></span></p>
    	<?php endwhile; else: ?><p>Keine kommenden News vorhanden.</p><?php endif; ?>

    mores, you appear and light up my day!!! I needed this for a music site and release dates. I just added “post_status=future,publish” and voila! future releases and already released are shown!!! Thanks man ??

    Oh… I just saw they just showed in the mini loop I had, but no in the actual POST single page.

    I mean I can see them and click on them and enter to the POST single page because I am admin, but in another browser (this is how I test things) as I am not logged, the SINGLE POST will show up as a 400 ERROR page… ??

    Any Idea, so my visitors can see the actual future post as me?

    Ok. I tried everything till I found this plugin:


    No Future Posts
    changes the post status from “future” to “publish” by Tom Braider.

    Finally single.php dislays future posts to everyone not only admins.


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