Hello @sstoqnov, thank you for your time,
The only way i get the cache clean for my purpose over the page /en/ is by pushing the purge button in the top bar.
Maybe i am watching the problem in the wrong way, i will try to give more details about my implementation.
We are using this gravity forms add-on https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gravity-forms-limit-dates/ to limit dates over the gravity form module.
The settings of the plugin are added as javascript over the page.
<script type='text/javascript'>
/* <![CDATA[ */
var GPLimitDatesData = {"serverTimezoneOffset":"120","strings":{"invalidDate":"Invalid Date"}};
var GPLimitDatesData5 = {"6":{"minDate":"{today}","minDateMod":"","minDateExcludeBeforeToday":"","minDateExcludeBeforeTodayMod":"","maxDate":"{today}","maxDateMod":"+30 days","daysOfWeek":[2,3,4,5,6,0],"exceptions":["12\/25\/2018","01\/01\/2019","04\/21\/2019","04\/23\/2019"],"dateFormat":"dmy","disableAll":false,"inlineDatepicker":false}};
/* ]]> */
We created a settings page that hooks in the plugin and adds a date in the exceptions parameter of the javascript settings (using a filter).
During the settings save process i run sg_cachepress_purge_cache and see the correct results in the homepage, but in the /en/ homepage i still see the old data until i press the purge cache button.
Maybe i should clear another type of cache ?
Please feel free to let me know if you need further informations.
Thank you,