I looked further into your issue and found the problem may be caused by an expired cache named “styles.css”. Not only it is an expired cache, but it is an empty URL, too. You have a valid css file by the same name, which is only called when optimization is turned off. Because of this, the needed ccss file cannot be generated, and when you load your page, there’s an error message ” failed to generate CCSS ” in the source codes where the CCSS file is supposed to be inserted. It is my guess that it is this bad cache that is preventing the valid CCSS file from being generated. If so, here’s my suggestion on how to get rid of it.
1) Go to LiteSpeed Cache –> Cache –> [3] Purge and scroll down to “Scheduled Purge URLs”.
2) Enter the URL of that bad cache, which I think is https://archweb.ir/styles.css , into the box.
3) Use “Scheduled Purge Time” to set a time for the server the run the purge.
Hope this will finally resolve your issue.
Best regards.
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by