• I know, stupid right? Why would you? I’m helping a student to build a website for part of their coursework. Rather than faffing with a static site, I’d like to throw up a WordPress template – it’s a lot less hassle!

    Unfortunately, the site needs to be ‘handed in’ to a tutor, which neccessitates putting it on a CD-ROM. Is there any realistic way of doing this? Although, I’d like to avoid the whole Linux LiveCD route if possible…

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  • only way i can think of is

    1) if the machine it’s being played on has a copy of your db and ha php, mysql running

    2) if you convert your site to html

    perhaps someone can shed light on this for you, but I can’t see it working otherwise.

    What about putting the site up and then using this


    to download it?

    wget is included in most versions of linux and unix. There is a windows version (at https://www.interlog.com/~tcharron/wgetwin.html) but I have only used it under Linux.

    wget is usually straightforward to use but do spend a few minutes testing what you downloaded to check it works. I once messed up because it followed all the links on the font page of my site including the logout link …. apart from that it has always worked flawlessly for me.

    Dynamic-CD: Put your database – powered website on CD
    Dynamic-CD now supports …
    ASP / VBScript / ACCESS databases /PHP /ISAPI filters


    But I have not used it.

    try wamp mss
    the site should work but on a cd, you won’t be able to write new posts or comments, a USB memory stick would be a better idea for a complete working demo.

    Have you played with the WP-Sandbox on a piece of dynamic media, like a memory stick? Not sure how extensive the site would need to be, but maybe you could play around with a post or two to give the idea of a working site.

    Thread Starter tamper


    thanks all!

    I’m not sure what kind of site it needs to be, but you might try a wiki, like Instiki, which lets you create the site dynamically, but publish to static pages suitable for inclusion in static media.

    I don’t know if wget is going to work. Anyway, on another forum, I found a link to run php from cd. In the discussion someone remarks “that the software has to be installed”, but I think that is only to be able to burn cds/dvds.

    Looks like just the thing you need. I might need it myself, sometime in the future.

    Anyone actually done this? I’m in the same boat (need a static site for distribution in Africa (no email access) – Live CD possible but worried about easy of use.


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