• I have been searching for a way to use qTranslate with Revolution Slider. However I was unable to find a clear answers. Luckily I was able to find a simple work around so that the Revolution Slider can view different languages texts. Below are the steps:
    1. Edit getLayers() Function in file:

    Here we just need to use the qtranslate hook:
    qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage to replace the Revolution Slider Layers Content.

    The function should now look something like:

    public function getLayers(){
    			$qtranslatedLayers = qtrans_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($this->arrLayers);

    2. Now in Your Slider, you just need to put the text in each slide in the multi languages format:
    exampe: [:en] Welcome [:ar] ????? ???

    I hope this helps someone..

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  • Fantastic!

    I have been searching some solution, but anybody have it! This works perfectly.

    Is possible that the slider revolution doesn’t save correctly the layers text and when you reload the page (in WP admin), the translate text doesn’t appear and have to translate all another time?

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    Thread Starter maadrimosharef


    Glad to hear that it’s useful to you..
    I have experienced that as well. What I did is that I saved the slides one by one at every edit. That is after every modification to a slide, press “update slide”. That way worked for me. Hope it does for you too..

    I have a question about REV_slider for WordPress 2014.

    They slide over all static content when viewer scrolls down page. They fly over the menu and header while all other content stays under. This is distracting. Check it on https://themetamodern.com/ and see it move over instead of under the top menu. Is this typical?

    Appreciate any feedback or a fix.


    many thanks – i found this useful!

    Thank you very much!!! It’s working!!

    hi. do you have any idea about QtranslatePlus and Revolution Slider? it is not working too ??

    Good, works fine with qTranslate X.


    Just a note to maadrimosharef solution. Perhaps it is better to use an exception for the admin page, otherwise editing the text is a nightmare on the admin page. So my modified code looks like, this allows to view the unchanged language, but only on the admin page. (The code is for qTranslate-X.)

    public function getLayers(){
    			if ( is_admin() ) {
    				$qtranslatedLayers = $this->arrLayers;
    			} else {
    				$qtranslatedLayers = qtranxf_useCurrentLanguageIfNotFoundUseDefaultLanguage($this->arrLayers);

    how about images? I want slide with different images for different language.

    You have multiple options. One slider per language – requires no modification – or only certain slides change, but then you need to tune revslider code. By now the new versions of revslider have native support for qTranslate-X.

    I have a question regarding this solution. What will happen if new version of the plugin comes out? I guess that it will override this.

    Naturally. The new versions of Revolution Slider do already have support for the different qTranslate forks.

    Ok, but I am using 4.6.9 version of Revolution Slider and it doesn’t work. Can somebody tell me how to add qTranslate hooks in the slide?

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