• Hi there,

    first of all thanks for share your experience!

    I’ve just installed qTranslate to my new website … and some doubts emerged!

    My website should be in 2 languages. Each permanent link should be SEO friendly, and in his own language.

    I installed qTranslate as I did in some past projects, but I’ve just realised that is not SEO friendly, and even more the url can not be translated.

    So, I wonder if qTranslate is the best solution.

    Even more, I must achieve that each language goes to his own domain. Using qTranslate, the solution would be “redirection” …

    But, qTranslate doesn’t seem the best choice to have 2 languages …

    So, what method would you recommend me?

    Is it a multi site?

    Thanks a lot!

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  • Let me tell you, I have A-B’ed this.

    Think about it for a second.

    What you need to do, is translate as much manually as you can.

    hire someone.

    The software means nothing to the search engines. So… bascially you are doing nothing.

    You would be better translating as little as you can your self, slowly, TRUST ME.

    You should simply hire some one, its cut paste, cut paste. boring but easy.

    if you have 1000 pages. Do the first 100 main pages and then have the software do the rest. If you have updates, same thing.

    Stop with the permalink chatter also. meaningless.

    Also, if you are going to take advice from people, you should ask them HAVE YOU a-b-ed this? how would anyone floating on this forum even know? I happen to be here. But you shouldnt believe me either.

    A-B everything!!!! if you can.

    MANUALLY do your languages sunshine. be good


    donald trump says he never gives free advice. Trump says…people NEVER take free advice.

    NEVER he says.

    Trump says people listen and they are lazy and do nothing.

    Trump says that – not me.

    He says… thats why he doesnt give business advice, people wont listen anyway.

    Thread Starter andreand


    Thanks namesean for your opinion.

    I’d like to add that I don’t need translate authomatically.

    I ask for the best solution: multisite or qTranslate?

    Could someone help me, please?

    Thanks for your patience and your time!

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    namesean – When I figure out what you just said and how the heck it’s relevant to andreand, I’ll win a prize…

    andreand – Either one works. Is your site truly multilingual, expecting different posts and so on per site, or are you just going to have the same content in multiple languages?

    Thread Starter andreand


    Thanks a lot Ipstenu.

    Same content, different languages, different domain names.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I’d use qTranslate (or WPML) if I wasn’t going to offer full support in multiple languages, and just present content.

    Think of it like WikiPedia for a bit. They have en.wikipedia.org and fr.wikipdeia.org, and each subdomain is customized for the language, with full conversations and support in each.

    If you’re not going whole hog like that, use a plugin. If you ARE, use MultiSite.

    Thread Starter andreand


    Thanks a lot for your help!

    The difference between my site and wikipedia is the domain name. I mean:
    SITE A: mynameisone.com
    SITE B: mynameistwo.com
    I. e., the domain names are different.

    And furthermore, I’d like each section has each right url, I mean:
    SITE A: mynameisone.com/my-section-language-A
    SITE B: mynameistwo.com/my-section-language-B

    I should avoid urls like:

    So, what do you think? Is it a Multisite or qTranslate?

    Thanks a lot lot!!

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    *handwave* Two domains doesn’t matter. The domain NAME isn’t the point.

    The INTENT is the point.

    Forget the URLs for a second (I get that you’re stuck on it, but trust me for a second). Look at how WikiPedia handles separate languages. While the sites have, somewhat, the same content, everything is 100% tailored to each language. Not only is everything translated, but everything is supported in each language. And every translation is manual.

    So again, if you want to have full, 100%, separate sites that have the same base content, but are heavily customized for each language, use Multisite.

    If you just want to translate and not provide full support for comments etc, use a plugin.

    Does that make more sense?

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