• Resolved Gery


    Hi! I have just installed Qtranslate Slug and I’m finding it really useful. The problem is I also have Ubermenu, which has stopped working since installing Qtranslate Slug. (I tested the other plugins and this is the one causing the conflict).
    I get the following type error:

    e is undefined

    on line 251 of load-scripts:

    !function(a){function b(){var b,d=a("#wp-auth-check"),f=a("#wp-auth-check-form"),g=e.find(".wp-auth-fallback-expired"),h=!1;f.length&&(a(window).on("beforeunload.wp-auth-check",function(a){a.originalEvent.returnValue=window.authcheckL10n.beforeunload}),b=a('<iframe id="wp-auth-check-frame" frameborder="0">').attr("title",g.text()),b.load(function(){var b,i;h=!0;try{i=a(this).contents().find("body"),b=i.height()}catch(j){return e.addClass("fallback"),d.css("max-height",""),f.remove(),void g.focus()}b?i&&i.hasClass("interim-login-success")?c():d.css("max-height",b+40+"px"):i&&i.length||(e.addClass("fallback"),d.css("max-height",""),f.remove(),g.focus())}).attr("src",f.data("src")),a("#wp-auth-check-form").append(b)),e.removeClass("hidden"),b?(b.focus(),setTimeout(function(){h||(e.addClass("fallback"),f.remove(),g.focus())},1e4)):g.focus()}function c(){a(window).off("beforeunload.wp-auth-check"),"undefined"==typeof adminpage||"post-php"!==adminpage&&"post-new-php"!==adminpage||"undefined"==typeof wp||!wp.heartbeat||wp.heartbeat.connectNow(),e.fadeOut(200,function(){e.addClass("hidden").css("display",""),a("#wp-auth-check-frame").remove()})}function d(){var a=parseInt(window.authcheckL10n.interval,10)||180;f=(new Date).getTime()+1e3*a}var e,f;a(document).on("heartbeat-tick.wp-auth-check",function(a,f){"wp-auth-check"in f&&(d(),!f["wp-auth-check"]&&e.hasClass("hidden")?b():f["wp-auth-check"]&&!e.hasClass("hidden")&&c())}).on("heartbeat-send.wp-auth-check",function(a,b){(new Date).getTime()>f&&(b["wp-auth-check"]=!0)}).ready(function(){d(),e=a("#wp-auth-check-wrap"),e.find(".wp-auth-check-close").on("click",function(){c()})})}(jQuery);

    My site is traduzionivecchia.it
    The problem is rather urgent as I have to have the site running in a few days!
    Many thanks!


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  • Plugin Author Pedro Carvalho


    hi, and thanks for reporting.

    That code isn’t from our plugin, so i’ll need to test it against ubermenu. Let me have a look first.

    Thread Starter Gery


    Hi again. Since reporting this error I have been in contact with the author of the plugin UberMenu. This is his last message regarding the issue:

    “I took a look at the Menus screen, and I see the javascript error – you can see it is coming from Qtranslate Slug:

    See this file:


    Here’s the unminified version for reference:


    So I believe the error is occurring in a line like this:


    So what I can tell from this is that qTranslate Slug is trying to grab a value and match a regular expression, but since the value doesn’t exist, you get a javascript error which prevents further JS from executing.

    To avoid the error, qTranslate Slug could do an existence check for the qt-value, and then only run the match() function if that value exists. This would prevent the error. However, I don’t know if there are other considerations, because I don’t have any idea what this code is supposed to do. Perhaps the event should only be triggered on a more specific set of elements. This is something that qTranslate Slug will need to look at in order to determine how to prevent the code from generating an error and still function properly.”

    Hope this helps. Please let me know as soon as you have any info on the subject, as I’m working on a client’s site that should be finished tomorrow, and I’ve had to deactivate UberMenu (it was a “Sophie’s Choice” situation, but I can’t do without qTranslate Slug!!)

    Many thanks! (My site: https://traduzionivecchia.it)

    Plugin Author Pedro Carvalho


    Hi! Thanks again for getting back. That should narrow down the problem. I have a look tomorrow morning to see if you can deliver the project as you wanted. Keep your fingers crossed ??

    Plugin Author Pedro Carvalho


    @gery, can you report back on this issue? we have a new release that fixes the menus! thanks!

    Thread Starter Gery


    Hi Pedro, and thanks for all your hard work. I have updated the plugin but unfortunately I am still receiving the UberMenu error message on the Menus page (I’ve cleared the cache several times). Let me know if you need access to my site. Thanks!

    Plugin Author Pedro Carvalho


    Hi Gery, apparently i made a snafu while updating the plugin over here. Can you give it another try?

    Send me an email at [email protected] to try to sort things out at your end.

    Thread Starter Gery


    Pedro, it seems to be working now! I haven’t had time yet to thoroughly test it yet, but the error message has gone and I am able to access the UberMenu edit function on the Menus page.

    Thanks so much for your hard work and diligence in fixing this bug!

    If I come across any major problems I’ll report back, but it should be fine now.

    Thanks again, and have a great day!

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