• I’m looking for a solution that allows me to change results based on data hidden from view on pages. Here’s the use case:

    2 pages. 1 about a pizza restaurant in Houston, Tx that is poorly rated. Other about an italian restaurant with pizza in Houston, Tx that is well rated.

    The second page wouldn’t show that pizza is available because it isn’t part of the page content nor title. “pizza” is a hidden dataset.

    When the user searches “pizza in Houston” the second page should appear first. Why? It has pizza and it is better rated.

    I’m not clear if Better Search can have hidden data (meta data? rich schema data?) associated with pages AND have results weighted by many different datapoint such as the rating of a business.


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  • Plugin Author Ajay


    Hi, Better Search currently doesn’t have this in built. Even now the criteria is post_title and post_content only and it’s matched through various metrics.

    In theory you could write some very advanced queries to filter the results and arrive at what you’re looking for.

    The plugin has several filters to help make this change without editing plugin files. however, the changes would be well beyond what I could achieve right now.

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