• Resolved k8fisher9


    as a result of an adjustment in other software on the website :
    – Im required to adjust all the 301 redirects created with the free “301 redirects plugin”
    – some of the redirects when changed (aren’t firing)
    – Im clearing cache in 301redirects, and then clearing ALL wordpress caches via another plugin
    – No change.

    Does this happen with every version of 301redirects even the paid for version.

    I can delete some of the rules but I thought 301redirects “clear cache” means I shouldnt need to
    Has anyone else bumped into a solution for “clear cache” not working?

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  • Plugin Author WebFactory


    please post the site URL so we can have a look at the headers. What you’re describing is cache, in 99% of cases. Usually a proxy or something on the server not controlled by WP.

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