• Hello,

    First I want to say, your plugin is great almost perfect for what im doing.

    I only have a few issues:

    Styling; How do I style this plugin it seems to use the styling from my theme style.css (which makes it look rather choppy) but I can’t find the class references anywhere in the plugin’s code, for example the child taxonomies are not indented the way the appear in your screen shots.

    Count of Taxonomies; I would like to replace the (+) with a count of the post in the listed taxonomy, is this possible?

    If you would like to see what I have so far here is a link: https://radiantfind.com/gems/reviews/

    Thanks again for this awesome plugin.



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  • Thread Starter radiantfind


    If you look at the link about you will see the widget:

    Here is an example of the style issue I am having:

    Ring (+)
    Solitaire (+)

    Should look like this:

    Ring (+)
    Solitaire (+)

    Right? I am looking at the code thru firebug(firefox) and it appears as if they have the same style.css class so unless I can find where in the plugin code it is assigned this class I cannot fix this issue. Although it is possible I am missing something, thanks.

    Also I would like to have delimiter at the bottom of each taxonomy if at all possible. I just can’t seem to find the source could to modify it. I think this may have to due with the way the plugin is coded (mustashe thing) I would prefer to be able to edit in PHP rather then this template thing I cannot figure out.

    Thanks again for this awesome plugin!

    Thread Starter radiantfind


    it didn’t add my spaces like this

    Ring (+)
    ____Solitaire (+)

    with the sub taxonomy indented.

    Geet Jacobs


    I am looking to achieve the same thing with this plugin.

    i found a function which will likely help, but not got it working yet, will post back if I make any break thru.

    function wdd_in_category_count($catslugs = ”, $display = true) {
    global $wpdb;

    $post_count = 0;
    $slug_where = ”;
    $catslugs_arr = split(‘,’, $catslugs);

    foreach ($catslugs_arr as $catslugkey => $catslug) {
    if ( $catslugkey > 0 ) {
    $slug_where .= ‘, ‘;

    $slug_where .= “‘” . trim($catslug) . “‘”;

    $slug_where = “cat_terms.slug IN (” . $slug_where . “)”;

    $sql = “SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT cat_posts.ID ) AS post_count ” .
    “FROM ” . $wpdb->term_taxonomy . ” AS cat_term_taxonomy INNER JOIN ” . $wpdb->terms . ” AS cat_terms ON ” .
    “cat_term_taxonomy.term_id = cat_terms.term_id ” .
    “INNER JOIN ” . $wpdb->term_relationships . ” AS cat_term_relationships ON ” .
    “cat_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id = cat_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id ” .
    “INNER JOIN ” . $wpdb->posts . ” AS cat_posts ON ” .
    “cat_term_relationships.object_id = cat_posts.ID ” .
    “WHERE cat_posts.post_status = ‘publish’ AND ” .
    “cat_posts.post_type = ‘post’ AND ” .
    “cat_term_taxonomy.taxonomy = ‘category’ AND ” .

    $post_count = $wpdb->get_var($sql);

    if ( $display ) {
    echo $post_count;

    return $post_count;




    potential answer your questions about indenting child tex terms, try adding to your Register Custom Taxonomy function the following (untested)

    'hierarchical' => true, 'rewrite' => array( 'hierarchical' => true )


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