• Resolved Matteo Legittimo


    Im triyng to get the last 5 post, from my category with id 30 of the current day. How can i complete my query?
    Thanks a lot:

    global $wpdb;

    $today = date(‘Y-m-d’).” 0:00:00″;
    $tomorrow = date(‘Y-m-d’).” 23:59:59″;

    $fivesdrafts = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ AND post_date BETWEEN \”$today\” AND \”$tomorrow\” ORDER BY post_date ASC”);

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  • Andrew Mills


    Depending upon what you are trying to accomplish exactly, it sounds like you might want to read up on either:

    query_posts or


    The first one is easier, but the second one is more powerful/flexible. Both provide several examples that can serve as excellent starting places.

    Andrew Bartel


    Hi Matteo,

    Generally, you don’t want to access the WordPress database directly, you’ll want to use abstraction layers. I can’t really think of a situation where query_posts should be used, although I’m sure it’s theoretically there somewhere.

    Read up on WP_Query as suggested by Andrew Mills, as that’s the preferred method of creating secondary loops. For your example though, I’d just use get_posts(), a simplified wrapper for WP_Query which will return you an array to work with. If you want a real loop with access to template tags, i.e. the_title(), the_author, etc, use WP_Query.


    $args = array('category' => 30, 'numberposts' => 5);
    $myposts = get_posts($args);

    Thread Starter Matteo Legittimo


    Hi guys,
    thanks to replay me!
    I need to show the events category divided in:

    Today events
    Upcoming Events
    Events passed

    Events it’s a category.
    It’s possible with query_posts to?

    Thanks to helping me!

    Andrew Mills


    I like Andrew Bartel’s suggestion to use get_posts. It has fewer “side effects” than my suggestion to use query_posts.

    If you start with this as your foundation:

    $args = array('category' => 30, 'numberposts' => 5);
    $todayEvents = get_posts($args);

    And read up on the time parameters that get_posts/WP_Query uses, you might come up with something like this for today’s events:

    $today = getdate();
    $args = array('category' => 30, 'numberposts' => 5, 'year=' . $today["year"] . '&monthnum=' . $today["mon"] . '&day=' . $today["mday"]);
    $todayEvents = get_posts($args);

    Start with that and make sure it meets your needs first. Then, go check out the “Return posts from the last 30 days” section of the documentation link I sent you. You’ll see an example there that should help you get the Events Passed part figured out.

    Thread Starter Matteo Legittimo


    Thanks so much! ??

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