Hi @kev147,
We’re still working on an integration guide for themes. I’ll try to give you a quick outline here in the meantime. The following is an example of how to create a player profile template.
1. In your theme’s folder, create a new folder called “sportspress”.
2. Create a copy of single.php and add it to the sportspress folder. Then, rename that file to single-player.php
3. Right after the following line (or similar):
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
add the following line of code:
$player = new SP_Player( $post );
4. Now that you have an instance of the SP_Player object, you can use the functions from sportspress/includes/class-sp-player.php, like $player->current_teams(), $player->past_teams(), and $player->metrics().
5. SP_Player extends the abstract class SP_Custom_Post, so you can also use magic methods to get meta data, like $player->number and $player->nationality.
6. You can also use standard WP functions like the_title, get_post_meta and get_the_terms.
7. The rest is the same as creating a standard WP custom page template (see https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Page_Templates).
You can use this process for creating event, calendar, team, table, list, and staff page templates.
I hope this helps. We’ll bring out the full integration guide as soon as possible. In the meantime, let me know if you have any questions about any of the steps above. I’d be happy to help you.