• Resolved rairt



    I just discovered and installed this plugin. I’m new to this heartbeat topic, so I want to confirm is this plugin also dynamically adjusts the backend heartbeats (on the admin area and also when editing).

    I have a website where multiple users can create pages and edit them, so it’s important for me to control both the public and backend heartbeats.

    Is this plugin meant to do this?

    Best regards!

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  • Plugin Author Codeloghin



    Thank you for reaching out. As long the pages will have the content added from the front-end members area dashboard this plugin will help(WooCommerce Dashboard, Members Area plugins, Multi-vendor solutions, etc.).

    If your dashboard is directly internal from the WP Admin dashboard, it’s best you set a default manual interval if you think that will suit your needs. Usually, it’s quite rare that you would benefit much from setting a manual heartbeat for your backend. Without knowing your hosting environment and website needs it’s hard to tell. You can incorporate this plugin with virtually any caching plugin and some of them such WP Rocket and Litespeed offer you the option to control the Backend intervals while leaving this plugin to do the rest.

    Hope this helped!

    Thread Starter rairt


    Thanks for your quick reply!

    I installed this plugin because I had a ton of ajax requests depleting my hosting resources (specifically my CPU). These requests were generated by the WordPress Admin dashboard because I don’t have any extra layer over the native Admin dashboard.

    Based on your answer, I think I need to set the backend heartbeat manually with Litespeed Cache. In this case, can I set the backend heartbeats in Litespeed Cache and still use your plugin to handle the frontend one without any issues?

    I understand it’s recommended just one plugin controls the heartbeats, so that’s why I ask.

    Plugin Author Codeloghin


    You are most welcome! In this situation, Litespeed lets you choose what part of the heartbeat you want to control, as long as you only enable the backend feature it will be fine to have both. You have to keep in mind that you can maximize performance usage up to a point, sometimes heartbeat control might not be enough and a hosting upgrade might be the only solution. If you are on a regular shared hosting plan, depending on the provider and your usage patterns these are quite limited in terms of processing power. For example usually it’s less demanding on your host for your website to process regular orders by WooCommerce(without addons) than in your case where you have users add and update pages.

    Thread Starter rairt


    Perfect. Thanks for the clarification and prompt answers!

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