• Hi everyone… My first post here…

    I just got a new site semi-setup at https://www.technoblip.com and that’s great… The admin panel had a way to auto install WP, so I did that and logged into my blog, fiddled with it, and basically everything’s great.

    Expect one thing. When I type the aforementioned address I get a default, “This page is coming soon!” webpage instead of my blog. In order to get my blog, I have to type in the whole …technoblip.com plus a /wordpress in order to display the blog.

    So my question… How do I change the location of my blog so that the address is simply https://www.technoblip.com?

    Any help is greatly appreciated as I’ve got a itching desire to get everything up and running. Also, I’m pretty green with this web stuff, so if you could explain it to me like I’m 10 years old, I’d appreciate that. ??

    Sorry if this has been discussed already, ad nauseum… I wasn’t able to find what I was looking for on these boards.


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  • Thread Starter Modulus


    btw, this is a GoDaddy hosted site… So I’ve got a Cgi folder, php_uploads, stats, and then a wordpress folder.

    How do I get my blog to show up at the base address I listed above?

    thanks again,


    Well, first thing…. if you’re seeing the “coming soon” sorta message, then you have an index.htm(l) file in there, which you probably want to delete.

    Second, make sure you’re set up with godaddy on a linux server instead of windows….

    Third – a better host is a better option.

    Thread Starter Modulus


    That was the glib reply for the nooby I guess… I accept that.

    Well, no index.htm(l) file… I have a favicon file, gdform.php, missing.html, php.ini and welcome.html… That’s it. Plus the folders I mentioned previously.

    I do have linux… I did do a little research.

    I’ll keep that in mind in a year when my current service runs out. Too bad you weren’t around to give me some advice on a good host before I shelled out the cash for it.

    Anyone else can help me further?

    Thanks a bunch.

    “glib reply” – no, it was trenchant good advice. So, being as I have no use for gd as a host, I haven’t anything else to tell you.

    Good luck.

    [Oh. One OTHER piece of good advice: NEVER pay a host a year at a time.]

    [[Oh 2. There must be an index file other than your wp index file in your site root, or you wouldn’t be seeing the “coming soon” page. If you can’t find it, see if you can get your host to show you where it is.]]

    Thread Starter Modulus


    You didn’t read the “Anyone else can help me further?” part of my post apparently. Thanks for your wierd replies though, vkaryl… You are dismissed.


    oh btw, I didn’t ask for advice… Only answers… If you can’t supply any than I have no further use for you.

    Just for clarification…
    Main Entry: glib
    Pronunciation: ‘glib
    Function: adjective
    Inflected Form(s): glib·ber; glib·best
    lacking depth and substance

    *laughing* Okay, whatever. Have fun….

    Thread Starter Modulus


    Well, nevermind… Found it in the codex.

    Just goes to show you that generally people on “support” forums offer little support. And a whole lot of worthless advice. You sound like the tech support for my cable company I spoke with the other night.


    Heh. I suppose…. except that the support person at your cable co. is a paid employee, and those of us who “support” wp here do this for free AND with small thanks from people overall.

    Thread Starter Modulus


    Well, offer some support and you’d get some thanks… I even offered it in my first post before any support was given…

    Whatever… I have things to do.

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