• I installed PodPress for my WordPress 2.6.1 Version. When the player starts an audiofile I see that there appears the name “podango” for a few seconds. Does the player upload my files to podango or what does it mean?

    How to erase this ad?

    Thanks for help!

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  • in your dashboard go to podpress.

    Go to player settings

    if you don’t want to use the podango player (which is the default) the choose the 1-pixel classic player

    OR you get to edit the plugin to use some OTHER player, or tell the setup to now SHOW a play in browser function if you don’t like flash players.

    I installed Podpress and I am trying to change the image on the player. I went to the dashboard and went into podpress, to the player settings, and copied the url of a picture I uploaded and it shows the image perfectly in the preview on the Player Setting Page but after I update options, it does not follow through and change it when I view the site. I don’t understand why it previews correctly but does not show the change. Anything, please help???

    How can I make a button or link available on my page to subscribe to my podcast feeds? I can do it through the directory in itunes but I can’t figure out how to have a button available on my site. Please help.

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