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  • I have a question on this too. I just entered the scores for my pool and have found that the scores people have been assigned don’t make sense.
    I put in 4 for full score, 2 for toto and 1 each for goal difference and goal bonus. Users who predicted 3-1 have got 6 points! Which suggests some peculiar additions going on.

    Surely if someone gets the full score they shouldn’t also get the toto score?

    The issue appears to be with the goal difference and goal bonus – these appear to be added to the full score as well as the toto score

    First i was thinking the same as the others.

    But as it is written in the options it is the Goal bonus that is “..added to the toto point or full points”
    So it is very clear that this is what the plugin is made to do when calculate the scores…
    BUT Again this was not what I was expecting before I read the scoring options ??

    But the solution for me is just to change the “Full Score” points from 5 to 3. Then when the logic that Antoine has made it will simply add the 3 points for full score and the 2 (1+1) points for goal bonus and this will give the users with 3-1 (for the Bras-Croa match) 5 points as I would have expected in the first place.

    My setup
    Full score 3 point
    Toto score 2 point
    Goal bonus 1 point
    Goal diff 1 point

    Keep up the great Work – this plugin simply is perfect ??

    Goal difference bonus : “Only awarded in matches with a winning team and only on top of toto points”, according to the plugin, but this is not what I’m seeing. I’m seeing it added to the full score as well.

    I now see that the goal bonus is added to the full & toto score…which to me makes no sense at all.

    I’m guessing it’s not easy to change this logic?
    Ideally I’d like goal diffence to only apply to toto (not full) and the goal bonus would only apply when you have neither full or toto (so people still get some points).

    Plugin Author AntoineH


    Could be that the description text is wrong in the options page.
    Tip: the help page contains an example table for the scoring with your settings applied.

    I’ll look into it tonight and post my findings here.

    Are you sure you are not mistaken?
    I recently used this plugin, and the goal difference only apply to toto.
    the only points are added to the full score are the goal bonus points (which in case of a full score are 2 addtional points).

    I agree that the information givven at the scoring options is a bit misleading (I use the dutch language). But in the help page the info is crisp and clear with the examples given.

    It would be nice, indeed, if we could choose (or set) if we want the goalbonus to be added to the full score or only to the toto, or even only if user doensn’t have full or toto score.

    But… it is a really nice plugin. So keep up the good work.

    Hi Antoine, thanks for this great plugin first of all!
    I’d support turnhob’s suggestion to be able to choose how goal bonus is working.
    For me I would like to have goal bonus only if match winner is predicted correctly. Is this possible? (For example game Brazil-Croatia yesterday with a predction 0:1 one would get the goal bonus.)

    I’ve done some testing myself and here is what I’ve found:
    Goal difference points AREN’T added to the full score points. They’re only added to toto score.
    Goal difference points are only awarded to those that have correctly predicted the winner AND the goal difference. In my case I have modified the plugin with Antoine’s help (by “help” I mean he did all the work ?? ) to also award them for successfully predicted draws, however the goal difference points aren’t awarded to those that haven’t correctly predicted the winner.
    Example, you tipper TeamA 3 – 1 TeamB, but the final result is TeamA 1 – 3 TeamB. You will not get the points difference bonus.

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