• Hello ! First of all, nice job here ! Huge !

    I’m wondering how the plugin works with the menu nav.

    In fact, I was looking for a way to
    – make folders with PDFs files in the media library
    – display the attachment pages where I inserted a PDf viewer and download links, not the folder, and for that I use the auto-populating menu JC SUBMENU https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/jc-submenu/

    From what I understand, your plugin allows to display the folder. So I’m trying to figure out how I could use it this way. Insted of listing the files directly into my menu, I would have a global page with all the pdfs files…
    But how will it display the pdfs ?

    I found a hook in your documentation here https://wpuxsolutions.com/documents/enhanced-media-library/faqs#faq12
    But how would it look like ?
    A text list ? an icon list ? a grid ?
    There is no screenshot of the result nor details about that… I’m going to try it but I’d rather save some time knowing before what I can expect or not.

    Above all, what I need is not a direct download for the pdfs but instead, going to the attachment page (that I have already on my template) where I can display a pdf viewer (with Embed anything) + my other files type download links (I provide xls, doc or ppt files for the same pdf so people can choose).

    For that matter, I wonder also if your plugin could turn the visual editor for the image description. I tried a hook myself but it broke my WPbakery editor.

    I know your working on the next enhanced version of your plugin so I thought it can be good for you to know some of the usage people can have on PDFs in medias.

    I’m hesitating between your solution and another one, just because the Menu nav ability was unique with yours.

    But, I wanted a per file attachments page menu ability, not the entire folder because in a sidebar menu, it would allow to load the page with the file viewer.

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  • Plugin Author webbistro


    Hi @picturgency,

    Sorry for the delay with the response!

    Thank you for your kind words and suggestions about the plugin’s functionality. Could you please answer a few questions because I am afraid I didn’t understand all your needs well enough?

    (1) In the menu do you need a list of media categories (folders) or a list of links to the media files pages?

    for that I use the auto-populating menu JC SUBMENU

    JC SUBMENU doesn’t seem to be working with the attachment post type correctly. So it cannot show links to PDFs or other media files.

    (2) I didn’t understand what kind of PDF viewer you are going to use. Or you mean that you expect the Enhanced Media Library to provide such a viewer? (This is the functionality that the plugin does not have so far.)


    For that matter, I wonder also if your plugin could turn the visual editor for the image description.

    Not sure what you mean in this case – rich text editor?

    I found a hook in your documentation here https://wpuxsolutions.com/documents/enhanced-media-library/faqs#faq12
    But how would it look like ?
    A text list ? an icon list ? a grid ?

    It will look like a list with the download links for PDF files. Not exactly what you need as I understand this.


    Thread Starter Picturgency


    I understand my explainations are not quite clear.

    I want to create media folders with PDFs inside
    Each media on my template have an attachment page
    The content of the page is the description of the file.
    in the description I enter my shortcode to display the PDF open with “Embed any document” (I made a mistake on the plugin earlier) on my attachment page

    Now I have attachments pages I would like to display into my Menu
    I use JC SUBMENU to populate automatically menus from subpages or categories
    And I see in JC Menu the ability to pick the attachment pages per category (are your folders categories?)
    but it sounds that these pages can’t be put into a menu
    here you can see why https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/32700

    That’s why I hoped to solve my issue with your plugin
    this way :
    Put folder page in the menu
    So I have page with all the PDFs
    but on clic I don’t want to download the PDF, I’d like to link to the attachment page where people can read inline my PDF

    You see my problem better now ?

    In the end what I wanted was simple. I just wanted a menu of pages with my PDFs open but I don’t want to have to create a page everytime for it, I wanted to use the native attachment page so I just have to upload the file, put the shortcode in the description and the rest is done automatically ^^

    if not, the attachment pages are useless.. why do we have these if we can’t ad them to the menu grrr

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Picturgency.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Picturgency.
    Plugin Author webbistro


    Hi @picturgency,

    Thank you for the clarification! Yes, I see the problem now. I need to do some tests with the plugins you mentioned, and look deeper into the attachment link in a nav menu issue, and then I’ll be right back to you.


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