It absolutely does. The sites that use the plugin had “question marks” popping up in the text even though they initially copied over fine. The only site that did not have an issue with question marks is the one that was manually copied over. It had a database collation specifically set in wp-config file. The others were automated were left blank.
I have done more digging and something about the database charset and the database collation of the sg-migration tool possibly being a cause. Aside from that I do not know enough about databases to figure out why this happened, and why it keeps happening.
Today I have set a collation in phpmyadmin for the database and switched everything to utf8mb4 and collation to utf8mb4_unicode_520_cs. In my wp-config.php file I have set the settings to match as well. I hope that everything being uniform solves the issue.
Even doing a brief googling the same two things pop up. Site Ground and the Site Ground Migration tool. Something to consider before discounting that its not a related issue.