Well, some progress.
First, I looked at your test table 01, Alex. Then I copied it. ??
I use the CKEditor plugin, which (for me) makes editing tables much easier. I picked up on a css class for the table which came over in the copy:
On my test site, I added the following for the plugin’s CSS:
table.mceItemTable tr td {
border:1px solid red;
This gets me 1px borders around the table (sans the column headings, which I have yet to figure out).
However, I can’t seem to make the same thing work on your site. Perhaps the CSS class was added by my editor when I did the paste, as I haven’t been able to find it in your page at all.
BTW, if I include th
, I lose the borders. My grasp of CSS isn’t masterful enough that I can spot what’s not quite right, but given time and the proper tools – and research materials! – it’s liable to come to me. ??
Here’s another test table with borders around the cells, as well as some formatting applied to the column headings.
The css for this is simply:
th {
font-weight: bold;
color: #636363;
Note the column headings. In the browser, they render with:
text-transform: uppercase;
and unfortunately, TCPDF does not recognize text-transform, as Jenny found out here.
The workaround, of course, is to enter the text in upper case, and if necessary, then, apply an override in the opposite direction, e.g,:
text-transform: capitalize;
(or however to suit) for the web rendering (so obviously, this would not go into the plugin’s CSS overrides).
So, in short, some progress, but not a complete solution. The important thing to note, as you discovered, is that even with borders specified in the editor, they must still be applied in the plugin’s CSS overrides, or they are ignored.