• Greetings – I’m using the Magazine – Basic theme and just have a few questions.

    1. When I have a two-sidebar layout, the second (right) sidebar loops around and sits under the left sidebar ONLY on my Home page. On the rest of the pages it’s formatted correctly (one sidebar on each side of the main content), as seen here:


    2. How to I change and/or rearrange the content in the sidebars?

    3. How do I get rid of the “Subscribe” link in the page bar? It appears to be an option to subscribe to some sort of RSS feed and was in the original layout, but I can’t find a way to turn it off or do away with it in the admin.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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  • whoops – one more question: where can i change to .png or .jpg or whatever you’re using for avatars? I don’t like that sideways g thing… would rather replace it with something else. I do not require commenting viewers to login so its for non members i think.

    Hey lobo777,

    You can change the nav menu by going into header.php and looking at line #80. Just change the word ‘Home’ to whatever you want.

    To create another button just copy line #80 and paste it below. Then change the href, which is the link to where you want the button to take you, and then replace ‘Home’ with whatever you want.

    Your avatar controls are in the admin section under Settings => Discussion. This will only affect new comments though, unless you just choose to not display avatars.

    Thanks. Appreciate the help. The avatar control doesn’t seem to work, as I have it set to a different default one and it automatically goes to the blue logo. I do not have login on my blog – viewers can only comment after putting a name and email in the form, so maybe this has something to do with it.

    Yea, I’ve been working on this and I really can’t seem to get it to NOT display the Gravatar icon (blue logo) for commenters! I even changed the blank.gif to what I would like as default and then changed it under Admin –>Settings —>Discussions… still nothing.

    Not sure if this means anything, but in admin when I go to approve a comment, it does show the avatar I have selected, but it still shows in the comment as the blue logo! Maybe you have it coded somewhere in the theme?

    Dear Tinkerpriest,

    I’m new to WordPress, and have been playing with a variety of themes, and am delighted with yours which I am currently trying to use on two different websites. Congratulations on a very well thought out design! Everything seems to be working like a dream except the header will not upload using the tools which came with the Theme. I am getting the following message. I do not have any gaps in the image name. There are some capital letters though… could that be a problem?

    Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in …/blog/wp-content/themes/magazine-basic/functions.php on line 108

    Warning: getimagesize(…blog/wp-content/themes/magazine-basic/uploads/VillageAntiquesAd.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in …/blog/wp-content/themes/magazine-basic/functions.php on line 108

    I’ve just been running this with some test jpgs…and have not made a custom made topper yet because I wanted to see how it sits in the space… Do you have recommended dimensions for these toppers?

    If Tinkerpriest is busy, have any of you other gurus managed to resolve this issue?

    Many thanks!

    I have the same error message:

    Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in D:\www\lebardessciences.com\htdocs\wp-content\themes\magazine-basic\functions.php on line 108

    Warning: getimagesize(https://www.lebardessciences.com/wp-content/themes/magazine-basic/uploads/logo.gif) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in D:\www\lebardessciences.com\htdocs\wp-content\themes\magazine-basic\functions.php on line 108

    I tried to change the name of the picture, I checked it was correctly uploaded…any ideas?
    And thanks for this theme btw ??

    Take a look at the category tab of my blog
    the word uncategorized is now hidden and will show only by hovering the cursor on it. How can I make this category link visible like the other category without hovering the mouse on it?

    Hi, and thanks for a great theme.

    I have two questions.

    1. The older posts on (row 2 and 3) doesn’t place themeselfes in the columns. Instead they all end up in the f?rst column.

    What can I do?

    2. The pictures in the older posts don’t resize, which means that they flow over all three of my columns on road 2 and 3.

    What should I change?

    For the future it would be great if it was possible to keep the latest post in full-length, while the others stick to excerpts.


    Did anyone sort the header image issue? What’s the work-around?

    On the header, I used the following suggestion from another post — it’s not an elegant one — but it worked:

    Open the “header.php” file from magazine basic. Then comment out the following if else phrase. (It is shown here with the commenting out slashes already inserted.

    /* if (get_option(‘uwc_logo_header’) == “yes”) {
    list($w, $h) = getimagesize(get_option(‘uwc_logo’));
    $height = $h/2+20;
    } else {
    $height= 35;

    Sorry, that should be the “functions.php” file for the above solution, not the header.php!

    I want to use this template but make it more colourful…is there a way to change the colour of the font in the title and the background of the entire theme?

    Also when I activate this theme it shows my categories on the top line under the header but not all of them appear…only when you float under the ones that are visible do the others pop up. Since the categories are all listed in my sidebar is there a way to delete the category section at the top altogether?

    Looking forward to the support!

    Hey all,

    Sorry I haven’t been able to answer some questions in a while.

    I just uploaded version 2.4.4 which should be available soon and it does solve (hopefully) most of your issues. If you have any more problems please contact me through my site. I answer those questions a lot quicker.

    Hey onelovelivity,

    You can change all the colours and styling in the style.css file in the theme’s folder. If you are not familiar with CSS it might seem a bit complicated but there are tons of great tutorials online to help you out.

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