• Resolved etasoft


    hello flipercode,

    i was just testing your plugin, excelent, very good job

    i like this plugin but i want to know if pro version have some features i need in order to buy, would you please comment about that becasuse some of the features i need . i dont have way to know if pro version has it:

    – on Add Location, seem is not posible to drag the marker on map to seek more precise ubication of desiree point on map, in some cases, the address is not exact by some meters or a few kilometers and isnt registered on google map, so would be very desirable let the address field empty and draging the marker on map to force the latitude and longitude change to exact ubication, and let save in this way, in pro ver is possible that?

    – i am living on venezuela, this country have 24 states but they are grouped on regions or zones, each of ones contains 3 or 4 states, i need to do a map for country but remark this regions , i think using polygons is the way, maybe 6 polygons, each one a diferent color, some transparency grade and clickeable over thirs respective states, so, when the user click over a region, i redirect to another page , is this posible on pro version?

    – the marker clusters concept aply to complement or solve the previuos question to?

    – is posible to categorize locations?, so, would be very easy and convenient aply a category to locations and asign to the map just the category and the map render all the locations belong the cateogory

    – related to previus question, codecanyon show a map and all locations under this, would be posibble just show the map without the under locations list?

    – the shortcodes features is only available on pro version?

    best regards


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