Questions and new futures
I like to use your plugin for a photo contest for my photo club.
The very nice thumbnail view and the possibility to giving
votes with stars in the full picture mode with comment.I have the next questions:
– Are votes per logged in user or ip-adress?
– Is it possible to hide votes and comments for other users/ip-adresses?
– Is it possible to edit comment and votes from the original user/ip-adress by the same user/ip-adress?
– Where can I see the voting result from all users/ip-adresses together/acummulated;
like to see the result of the contest and show the them to the voters.Thanks, Hans
Two words are missing in the first paragraph, it must be:
The very nice thumbnail view and the possibility to giving
votes with stars in the full picture mode with comment are great.Hello Kuppj,
thank you for your feedback. It makes me happy to hear you like this plugin and you work with it.
About your questions:
– Are votes per logged in user or ip-adress?
<<< the votes are tracked via ip adresses. You can also reset all ip adresses which voted, so they can vote for this gallery again.– Is it possible to hide votes and comments for other users/ip-adresses?
<<< Its only possible to hide votes and comments only for all users. Not for special ips.– Is it possible to edit comment and votes from the original user/ip-adress by the same user/ip-adress?
<<< if a user voted or edited a comment, he cant change it anymore. Of course you can change his comment or vote if you edit contest-gallery tables in your wordpress database.– Where can I see the voting result from all users/ip-adresses together/acummulated;
like to see the result of the contest and show the them to the voters.
<<< first, you can see the avarage result of the votes in frontend
<<< second, if you take a look in your wordpress database table contest_gal1ery_ip you can see all IP adresses which voted for you gallery and the rating that they gave for a certain picture.Best regards
Hello Wasiliy,
Thanks for your quick reply on my questions.
I have made a demo page in the photo club site: make the voting work for the members off the photo club I have two important wishes:
1. Is it possible to hide votes and comment for ip-adresses (users) that have not voted?
???As long as someone has not voted yet, I do not want to influence him with the results of others.
2. The single pictures should only be reduced and not increased; see the first picture on the demo page and the full size picture.
???Normally we use photos with the longest side 1024px; for photos with a height of 1024px?are increased wrong.
Next three nice to have but less important:
3. If the results of the votes are released, it would be nice to see them direct under the thumbnails without mouse over the thumbnail.
4. The ability to browse the single pictures with the cursor keys.
5. The ability to translate the text.Finally I saw a problem with the IP addresses:
6. Only the first two or three digits (up to the first decimal point) are stored on the IP address table; this allows users not identified uniquely.Thanks for your help and I hope that the points 1, 2 and 6 can be resolved and the others on a wish list may come in the future.
If I can help with anything let me know.
Regards, Hans.Hello Hans,
thank you for your example of the photo club site.
In my opinion it has anything it needs to be a good photo contest :).About your questions:
1 <<< Thats a very good idea. I noticed it as must have feature. In the moment there other some interessting options in progress. Maybe i have to repriorise a bit. I cant assume exatly when it can be developed.
2:<<< The original image that you uploaded has only a width of 466px.
But you configured a width of 1024 for single images. Of course image is shown increased then. Plz check the original uploaded image.3:<<< In the first version of plugin it was the case. Maybe for the thumb view its a really good option. Would it be also ok, if results are shown directly without hovering with mouse on image?
4.<<< Interessting idea. I have ot check if that is even possible to develop. In the moment i dont really know how browsers interact with cursor actions and what the possiblities are.
5.<<< What text do you mean?
6.<<< Thank you very much for this advice. Will be improved in next version. Cooming soon…..
Thank you very much for all the points and for your interesst. It would really make me happy to hear that you will orginize a photo contest with plugin :).
Best regards
Hello Wasiliy,
Sorry for the delay in the answer, always to little time and a lot to do.I will tell you what I have done on the questions I have asked:
2. I did see that when you upload a new image there are 4 pictures stored; the original, a 300px width, a 624px width and a 1024px width version. I have set in options that the single picture must be 624px width. Now that version is used with our recalling more. That is perfect.
Because I better liked the pictures left outlined with the text in that page I changed the settings in your show-image.php. Yes I like to see the results under the thumbnails and it would be fine to see it under the single picture to; for both only is contest is closed and the results are released.
5. I have translated the text in the single picture view and the comment field below in dutch. I did that in your source files show-image.php and show_image_query.js. single picture screen looks like this now: it would be possible for you to fix the first question about hiding vote results until the are released we could start a real contest at the photo club.
In the mean time I wil ask some members of the club to test the plugin that is now active on the site. for all your great work and keep in touch.
HansHello Kuppj00,
thank you for your interest and feedback.
I think we get closer and closer to the satisfying status :).
About 2:
You can also use width 800 for example. Then it will take the 1024 version and scale it down to 800.
This four resolution versions are created ot minimize the loading. If plugin would always take the original then it would take to long until pictures are loading.
Ok, i see point two as resoved then ??About 3:
I will notice it as future aspect. The most users like the actual solution. For the actual status it is a bit tricky to provide this option to choose.About 5:
Thats a really interesting development. It can be done, but it will take some performance resources of your php server. Because every time somebody see a single picture, then his ip has to be proved, if he rated this already. Then, this takes much more resources, when a person see a gallery view, for every image his ip has to be proved, if he rated this image.
But it’s ok. It’s a users decission if he likes to activate it.Plz take care also, then when somebody visit your site and likes only to see the results of actual contest, he cant see it until he rated all pictures. This would force a user to rate all pictures of the contest. Is it something that you also want?
Best regards
About 5:
I was more thinking about a options to show results or not.
If show results is true, every user can see all the voting results and if false a user can not see any voting results; if false it would be nice that a user could see his own voting results but no voting results from other users.
This is the same when voting of a new president in a country, people can see the results after closing the voting and not during the day while other people are still voting.By the way this have to be the same for the thumbnails and the single pictures.
And it is not necessary that a user votes all the pictures.I hope this make it more clear what I had n mind.
Best regards,
Hans.Hello Hans,
we have the same view of how it has to be then :).
I think its really cool feature. Its highest prio now. Maybe i can do it this weekend. But i cant promise for sure.
I will keep you informed about development status.
Btw: the ip bug is resolved now. IPs are saved in full length in new version now.
Best regards
Hello Hans,
check out the new 1.12 Version. The feature we discussed about is now availible.
Waiting your feedback…
Best regards
Hello Wasiliy,
Thanks for the great new option to hide votes until the the user has voted the image.
Wat am I doing wrong?
I have emptied the database tables and put 20 pictures in the first gallery:
I have set these gallery options:
This is a sample of the thumbnail view with the mouse over the second thumbnail;
the text “Plz vote…” is good, I have not voted this picture:
This is a sample of the single picture view where I must place my vote: can I place my vote?
Thanks, Hans
Hello Hans,
you are pretty near at the result you have only to scroll over and click on it.
Plz try it here:
Does it not work for you?
Best regards
Wasiliy or Hans, did you get it working to vote? I am having the same problem with the “Your Vote” instead of the stars to click to vote.
Images will allow me to leave a comment, but not vote.
When I set a page from private to published, the images in the gallery show up fine and say PLZ VOTE when I curser over them, but when I click on the image, it will not allow vote.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?I cannot include a link, as I cannot have the site live, but I do have screenshots of the issue.
On your demo site it is working great.
On my site I get the text under the single picture: “Your Vote…” without a link
On your site I get the text “Plz Vote …” with a link to show the stars.The difference is in your source file show-image.php on line 934 “if($countSelectFormOutput>1)”
you get the code on line 1052 <u>Plz vote…</u>
I go to the else on line 1083
with the code on line 1133 “<u>Your vote…</u”See also the difference in your screen
and mine screen for your help,
HansHello Hans,
some code snipped was missed.
Plz actualize to 1.15, then it will work.Best regards
Hello Wasiliy,
Wow your updating with new futures by the hour.
I have installed version 1.17 and yes the voting is working now.I have just one problem:
after I have voted I get back the result of all the votes and not the vote I have made.
Lets say somebody else has votes the picture with 5 stars and when I vote the picture with 1 star, I get back 3 stars as the result. This is very confusing because I voted 1 star and see 3 stars.
Is it possible to see my vote and not the average overall result when the option “Hide until vote” is true?Thanks, Hans.
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